Transition from farming to factory posed new problems Disrupted family life Long working hours Unsafe working conditions Low pay High rent overcrowding
Individuals own factors of production Make as much money as you can However you want Easiest way to make money is to not pay workers Workers work more but make less Reformers work to end problems of capitalism
Society (gov’t) owns and controls means of production Factories and utilities (coal, iron, cotton) Distribute wealth from factories evenly among the people Everyone would get the same thing regardless of effort or job People would get what they NEED Not necessarily what they want
1848 Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels Appalled at conditions in factories Blamed industrial capitalism “History of class struggles” Oppressor vs. oppressed
Owned means of production Land, raw materials, $ Power to control gov’t and society Bourgeoisie Middle class of Industrial Revolution ▪ Factory owners ▪ Merchants
Owned nothing Depended on owners of means of production Proletariat Working class of the Industrial Revolution “The People”
Class struggle would lead to revolution 1. Proletariat would overthrow bourgeoisie 2. Proletariat would form dictatorship to organize means of production a) Gov’t in which person or small group has absolute power
Ultimate goal is classless society 1. Proletariat victory would end economic differences 2. The state (gov’t) would be no more
Organization of workers that wanted to improve working conditions Collective bargaining Union representatives negotiate w/employers Wages and hours
Strikes Union members stop working ▪ Skilled workers are most important Pressures employers to meet demands Made illegal in most countries