PHE Intelligence Networks The National CVD Intelligence Network (NCVIN) EMPHIN James Hollinshead Presentation subheading set in 20pt Roman
Cardiovascular Disease Outcomes Strategy – March Manage CVD as a single family of diseases Improve prevention and risk management Improving and enhancing case finding in primary care Better identification of very high risk families/individuals Better early management and secondary prevention in the community Improve acute care Improve care for patients living with CVD Improve intelligence, monitoring and research and support commissioning “ the NHS CB and PHE will look to establish a cardiovascular intelligence network (CVIN) bringing together epidemiologists, analysts, clinicians and patient representatives. The CVIN, working with the HSCIC, will bring together existing CVD data and identify how to use it best; National Cardiovascular Health Intelligence Network - NCVIN
Previously…………. PHOs had lead national areas including EMPHO teenage pregnancy, nutrition and renal YHPHO diabetes SEPHO CHD Each with independent work programmes 3National Cardiovascular Health Intelligence Network - NCVIN
PHE Health Intelligence Networks National Health Intelligence Networks developed: National Cancer Intelligence Network National Cardiovascular Intelligence Network Child and Maternal Health Intelligence Network Mental Health Intelligence Network End of Life Care Intelligence Network 4National Cardiovascular Health Intelligence Network - NCVIN
Timescales for NCVIN 5 Stakeholder engagement (April/August 2013) Scope the model of the NCVIN (June/Sept 2013) Development of work programme (June/December 2013) Launch NCVIN (December 2013) National Cardiovascular Health Intelligence Network - NCVIN
Cardiovascular Health Intelligence Network Our Strategic Approach 6National Cardiovascular Health Intelligence Network - NCVIN INTELLIGENCE INTO PRACTICE To embed information/intelligence into local service improvement TOOLS AND RESOURCES To continue to develop relevant and timely tools/resources through a single portal DEVELOPMENT To take a strategic lead on the creative/innovative development of information
NCVIN proposed structure 7National Cardiovascular Health Intelligence Network - NCVIN CHD Diabetes Kidney disease Stroke CVD overarching Partnership Board Overarching Partnership Board with wide membership Disease specific reference groups
Work programme CVD wide projects CVD SCN profiles CVD key facts CVD prevalence models Disease specific projects DOVE AKI audit results 8National Cardiovascular Health Intelligence Network - NCVIN
Future NCVIN Development of web pages Continued development of work programme Launch December 2013 Local presence? Any questions 9National Cardiovascular Health Intelligence Network - NCVIN