1 Launch of Coaching and Mentoring Wales 13 June 2006 Christopher Ward Chief Executive Wales Management Council
3 THE CASE FOR MENTORING “Mentoring has now become one of the essential tools in the development armoury. Its potential to stimulate learning in both parties makes it one of the most effective human resource instruments available.” David Clutterbuck
4 THE CASE FOR MENTORING “HR and line managers * were in agreement about the top three methods for developing managers …. internal training programmes, …. external courses and seminars, …. mentoring and coaching.” * From UK, France Germany, Spain, Denmark, Norway, Romania Developing Managers: A European Perspective, CMI 2004
5 THE CASE FOR MENTORING “The challenge is to develop a mentoring network that can offer any small business, not just start ups, mentors with the specific skills and experience they need..” SFEDI Small Business Skills Assessment, 2004
6 THE CASE FOR MENTORING “The advantage of mentoring over other forms of development is that it focuses on real learning needs on a specific and personal level.” Mentoring for Business in Wales: Learning from Good Practice LEED Unit, Cardiff University Business School, April 2006
7 THE CASE FOR MENTORING “If implemented correctly a mentoring programme has the potential for longer- term impact on business performance and for developing a learning culture in Wales.” Mentoring for Business in Wales: Learning from Good Practice LEED Unit, Cardiff University Business School, April 2006
8 HOW DOES WALES COMPARE? Number of companies helped by publicly funded mentoring programmes: England 14,000, of which Bristol 72 Republic of Ireland 360 New Zealand 3000 per year Wales …. Mentoring for Business in Wales: Learning from Good Practice LEED Unit, Cardiff University Business School, April per year
9 WALES’ BUSINESS PROFILE Sole traders 122,680 71% 1 – 19 employees 46,100 27% 20 – 49 employees 2,325 1% 50 – 249 employees 1, % employees % Department of Trade and Industry, 2003
10 REALITY CHECK 1600 companies surveyed in 2004 only 22% have training budget, of which…. 33% for management training av. 6.5 training days per manager per year 36% do no management training at all. Management Development in Wales – Survey of Current Practice Wales Management Council, 2005
11 SME MARKET Little interest in personal development Focused on today Time poor No budget for training/development Lacks information about opportunities Sceptical about quality of provision Doubtful about benefits
12 THE PROBLEM “Management development” is a product: nobody wants (“I’m doing all right”) most managers say they don’t need few understand many will only buy if it’s free … yet it could make all the difference to them and their business.
13 THE CHALLENGE If managers don’t know what they don’t know, how do they know whether what you know is going to help them know more?
14 MENTORING IN WALES “Set up, maintain, deliver and evaluate a national mentoring scheme.” Agenda for Action, Wales Management Council, 2003 “More mentoring for more people.” Mentoring in Wales, Wales Management Council, 2004 “Train more mentors, and provide mentoring support for more managers.” Agenda for Growth, Wales Management Council, 2005
15 MENTORING IN WALES Activity: Internal for staff development Business advice networks DEIN (former WDA) programme Private consultants Business to business Peer mentoring between colleagues
16 MENTORING IN WALES New initiatives needed to: Promote mentoring Encourage internal programmes Facilitate inter-company mentoring Co-ordinate/extend current provision Train and accredit mentors Develop supervisory structures Develop mentor networks
17 MENTORING IN WALES Results of new initiatives: Greater awareness of mentoring Better linkage between providers Clearer frameworks of best practice Increased demand Improved corporate development Economic growth and success
19 COACHING AND MENTORING WALES CAMW aims to develop, co-ordinate and promote the provision of coaching and mentoring services in Wales. CAMW is the central point of contact for all those involved in the provision and use of professional coaching and mentoring services in Wales.
20 COACHING AND MENTORING WALES CAMW will only be as good as its members’ ….. professionalism energy enthusiasm involvement cash so join today so that CAMW becomes
22 End of Presentation Thank you for listening