TEN-Telecom Infoday - 12 November TEN-Telecom Case Studies Paul Skehan Deputy Secretary General
36 countries: 1,300 Chambers - 14 million companies Established 1958 Brussels based. Core staff 25+, but we depend on members active participation in all activities Business representational role is key, but this has led us into a number of pan-European projects and services over past 7 years. Wide range of projects now undertaken, some IT, but many business to business and Chamber-building Eurochambres - A Brief Introduction
Despite incredible spread of Chambers, and wide variety of services available from each Chamber… …we wanted to maximise the network itself Chambers as inter-linked but independent units Services from each Chamber available to that Chamber s members, but not to others ChamberPASS: The Challenge
Idea to create a club of Chambers willing to offer some of their own services to foreign businesses We quickly dropped idea of affinity membership card. Similarly discarded idea of brochures, or other printed materials - out of date too fast We wanted a medium that would allow multiple, instant changes, visible to the maximum number of businesses at any time - the Internet But several unknowns - technical, market, admin... ChamberPASS: The Solution
A successful service (so far!) Launched earlier this year, already profitable 91 Chambers from 18 countries already in Seeking to extend beyond Europe to US and Asia System fine, key issue to promote the site effectively to the general business population (target: internationally-oriented SMEs) ChamberPASS: The Outcome
Chambers of Commerce and Industry well placed to act as trusted third parties, as neutral facilitators of the ADR process Many European Chambers have long and distinguished history: Stockholm, Paris, Milan, London… Obligation on Italian Chambers to provide, not just B2B, but also B2C services Arbitration, mediation, conciliation - all form part of the Chambers armoury OnlineConfidence: The Background
More business moving online But questions of trust and confidence when buying online, especially from non-brand companies Perceived difficulties in seeking redress in case of dispute, when dealing with foreign seller Difficulties with language, customs, law… How can Chambers maintain their levels of assistance, but in this new environment? OnlineConfidence: The Challenge
Eurochambres assembled a consortium of interested Chambers to develop OnlineConfidence in 2000 OnlineConfidence: A trustseal businesses can display on their site, backed up by an online ADR mechanism to help resolve any disputes that may arise We wish to keep Chambers as central to the process, regardless of whether it is on- or off-line OnlineConfidence: The Solution
5 million budget established (TEN-Telecom support also secured) Project commenced January 2001 Work well underway on defining legal issues, code of conduct, processes of mediation/conciliation Still to do: further development, then market testing, refining, plus roll-out to Chambers Aim to be operational by Q3, 2002 OnlineConfidence: Progress to Date
Overall, very positive Guidelines for making bid are clear and helpful Evaluation process transparent, and written feedback given as to strong and weak points Human beings rather than officials Annual Review process useful as a sanity check Prompt payments, once you report on time... Overall TEN-Telecom Experience
Time from OJ bid evaluation negotiation contract start is too long for IT based projects 10% limit (of overall project costs) seems arbitrary and unduly harsh Delineation between market validation and deployment should be reconsidered Increase overall size of TEN-Telecom budget What holds TEN-Telecom back?
…promotes e-confidence... …helps SMEs abroad... …with TEN-Telecom assistance... Thank You site