2 December 2013
Deliverables check list Documentation: updated Functional spec Design doc User manuals Test plan Code Commented source and how I get to it Running code and instructions (where, what I need installed, any ids needed) Evaluations Team – You have an INC without this!
Logistics SN011 at 12 pm Monday, Dec 9 Will invite all clients. Schedule will be posted and ed to clients and you. 15 minute presentations Lunch (pizza) will be served Attendance is mandatory
What is Expected Overview of your project Review what you did and why Briefly explain how you did it ○ Architecture ○ Technologies Lessons learned Development Process Technologies Demo
The Basics Speak loudly and clearly Speak, don’t read: you ARE the experts Set up and test demos on Sunday Last minute “fixes” are often disasters Script your demos Send me an if you need adapters or other equipment. Do NOT assume that I will remember.
Presentations Hints Cover all topics, but they don’t need equal time! Focus on what’s special and interesting about your project Don’t try to cover too much Keep it light Give the audience something to look at
Remember You’re speaking for 15 minutes Everyone is listening for 180 minutes
Death by PowerPoint Google it and you can waste many hours One that I like… PowerPoint is Evil (Edward Tufte) PowerPoint is Evil Do not let the media become the message
Ownership and property Rights of ownership: Blackstonian Bundle Exclude anyone from the property Use it as sees fit Receive income from Transfer property to someone else Intellectual property: intellectual objects What is Intellectual Property?
Physical objects Zero-sum gain: one user at a time Significant cost in both development and replication Intellectual objects Used by many at once Significant cost in development, marginal cost in replication Intellectual Property v. Real Property
Need for Protection need to recover the development costs knowledge of future ownership is incentive to increase value
Free flow of ideas First amendment freedom of speech Creative ideas build on society and culture Pay what you want Music Textbooks Games Books Software Arguments against IP
Copyright Patent Trademark Legal Protection
1790: 14 + renew 1909: 28 + renew 1976 : author + 50, corporate 75 1998: author + 70, corporate 95 Copyright: How Long?
Enabling copying is criminal Preclude through architecture Problems Constrains who can use ○ Exceptions will be too constrained for someone Tracks who is viewing Digital Rights Management
Digital Millenium Copyright Act (‘66) Illegal to … bypass technical measures used to protect access manufacture or distribute technologies primarily designed or produced to circumvent technical measures remove or alter copyright management information Universal City Studios, Inc. v. Reimerdes (Aug ‘00) 8 studios sued 2600 Magazine ○ posting DeCSS bypasses Content Scrambling System (CSS) -commercially distributed DVD
Responsibility of those enabling it Software Network providers Cases: software Napster Grockster Bit Torrent Cases: network providers Verizon Six Strikes Copying copyrighted materials
APIs: Oracle v Google Issue: Android APIs are very Java-like Android VM was built in a “cleanroom environment” Oracle sued over the APIs Ruling: not copyrightable Ruling: not copyrightable
Physical objects Process, machine or composition of matter NOT laws of nature, scientific principles, algorithms Criteria Novel Not previously described Non-obvious Useful Patents
Hardware, software, processes NOT laws of nature, scientific principles, algorithms Can patent new applications or combinations Criteria Novel Not previously described Non-obvious Useful Patents A man "has a right to use his knife to cut his meat, a fork to hold it; may a patentee take from him the right to combine their use on the same subject?" -- Thomas Jefferson
Processes vs. algorithms What is non-obvious? Examples Name Your Price (Priceline) One-click (Amazon) Opinions Marco Arment (inherently problematic) Marco Arment Paul Graham (patents === software patents) Paul Graham Software & Business Process Patents
Recent Activity German legislature: resolution calling for cessation New Zealand considering outright ban US courts appear to be backing off Bilski v Kappos (Supreme, 2010) ○ Hedging the risk of commodities fluctuation ○ Claims denied CLS v Alice (Circuit, 2013) ○ Trading platform to assure that neither side renigs ○ Claims denied
Word, phrase or symbol “Pithily” identifies Infringement: used by someone else Dilutions Blurring – dissimilar products Tarnishment – negative or compromising Has been applied to domain names Cybersquatting Parody or criticism Trademarks
Cybersquatting.net,.org,.com, … Punctuation (hyphenation, etc.) Phrases, nicknames Parody, criticism, complaint (cybergriping) Property rights vs. free speech Bringing people to the site under false pretenses Including the name in the url vs. appearing to be the site Domain Names
Responsibility to users Making it clear that its another site Protection from inappropriate material Responsibility to other site owners Bypassing advertisements ○ Ticketmaster and Microsoft Hyperlinks
What are they? Invisible content used for searching and advertising Geting more leverage Search engines Banner ads Techniques Multiple tags to get more leverage Tags that are unrelated Metatags
The Process Customer Described Lead Understood Customer Needed Programmer Built Analyst Designed
Patterns of Success Solutions need to evolve from user specs AND user specs need to evolve from viable solutions. Process and instrumentation rigor evolves from light to heavy. Healthy projects display a sequence of progressions and digressions. Testing needs to be a first class, full lifecycle activity.
Intellectual Honesty McConnell, Code Complete Refusing to pretend you’re an expert when you’re not Readily admitting your mistakes Trying to understand a compiler warning rather than suppressing the message Clearly understanding your program – not compiling it to see if it works Providing realistic status reports Providing realistic schedule estimates & holding your ground when mgmt asks you to adjust
Are all projects worth doing? Intended misuse Potential misuse Unexpected consequences Google glasses
Work You do well what you enjoy Smile on your way to work A job or a career? Life-long learning exponential times 5 pm: Poornima Vijayashanker Mint.com, 2 more startups