……….or anywhere kids hang out! Safety Reminder: The school year is starting, so watch out for children and traffic near schools and crossings. ……….or anywhere kids hang out!
Back to School Safety Tips DRIVERS: Remember – 20 MPH in School Zones. SLOW DOWN – more pedestrians and bicyclists. Exercise CAUTION in areas without sidewalks.
Back to School Safety Tips DRIVERS: Know what’s behind you before backing. Stay ALERT near bus stops YELLOW FLASHING LIGHTS – bus is preparing to stop to load or unload children. RED FLASHING LIGHTS and extended stop arm –stop at least 20 feet from the bus when behind or meeting. The only time stopping is not required is on the other side of a divided highway.
Back to School Safety Tips DRIVERS: Stop between 10 and 30 feet from the school crossing when a crossing guard directs. Ensure safety seats are used if required. Ensure seatbelts are used.
Back to School Safety Tips PARENTS: Choose safest route between home and school. Inspect bicycle to ensure it is mechanically safe. Provide protective helmet and reflective equipment. Ensure child knows safety rules of the road.
Back to School Safety Tips RIDING the BUS: Have a safe place to wait for bus, away from traffic. Stay away from bus until it comes to a complete stop and the driver signals you to enter. Use handrail to enter and exit the bus.
Back to School Safety Tips RIDING the BUS When exiting the bus, be sure that drawstrings and straps don’t get caught on handrail or in door. When exiting – take 5 giant steps away from bus. If something is dropped near the bus – always tell the bus driver.
In addition to school hours, schools, playgrounds and parks can be busy with kids involved in sports, extended academics, scouting and other special events both evenings and weekends. …… so be careful always!!!!