Driver Records Driver License News
What Are the Requirements? Personal information contained in a motor vehicle record that identifies an individual is confidential and exempt (2), F.S. Motor vehicle records include driver license and identification card records. Personal information includes: SSN, DL#, name, address, phone #, medical/disability information, and emergency contact information.
DL photos are protected under and can only be released with specific statutory authority SSNs are highly protected (only certain exemptions apply) Emergency contact information may only be released to law enforcement agencies (2)(c)
Exemptions 15 exemptions to DPPA, including other government agencies, attorneys, insurance companies, car manufacturers, research Person/company requesting info must state which exemption they have in order to receive data
Why Do We Care? Federal and State Driver Privacy Protection Act (s (2), F.S.) Additional requirements of Chapter 119, Florida Statutes Financial as well as criminal penalties
Rule of Thumb Only provide the personal information provided to you, unless: – the requestor meets one of the 15 exemptions – ID has been confirmed
OK or Not OK? Person enters a driver license number in an automated phone system and that system states the person’s name or date of birth as verification of identity. Person requests an unblocked driver record for John Smith, who is approximately 45 years old and lives in your county. You find one match and sell the person the record.
OK or Not OK? A local attorney asks for information based on a tag number in preparation for a case. A judge requires driver transcripts for all of the cases on his docket. A friend is sick and you need to send a get well basket to his home. You use DAVE or DRC1 to look up his address.
Driver Record Fees Law changed September 1, 2009 $8 for 3-year record $10 for 7-year, complete or certified record Statutory fees must be remitted to the Department
Required Documentation Proof of identity – birth certificate, U.S. passport, certificate of naturalization Proof of social security number Proof of residential address Proof of legal presence Proof of name change
Card Changes Full legal name – two lines for name Residential address instead of mailing address (but LE should not ticket someone for not having residential address on license!) 8 year term - unless older than 80, 6 year term; or CDL HazMat, 4 year term New ‘star’ designation indicating REAL ID compliance ADA Designation
Revised Card
Additional Requirements Cannot hold two credentials at once Elimination of Valid-in-Florida-Only licenses (valid until expiration date or until next DL or ID issuance)
Online Services Customers may now visit Driver License Check to find out if they are eligible to elect driver improvement school in lieu of points
New BDI Course Requirements HB 481 was effective October 1, 2009 Modified (4) to require violators convicted of, or pleading nolo contendre to running a red light, failing to obey a traffic control device, improper stop for a school bus, reckless driving, or racing on a highway spectator to attend a basic driver improvement course after the FIRST conviction
BDI Course continued All drivers, even CDL holders, must complete this course Drivers may elect to attend driver school to withhold points and satisfy the Department course requirements If driver does not attend within 90 days of receiving notice, the Department will cancel the license
Changes to Paper Uniform Traffic Citations New paper UTCs began being distributed 11/09 Old version (Rev. 02/05) will continue to be valid Updated verbiage to reflect only five school elections can be made in a ten year period Eliminated blue copy of citation
Grant Results Duval, Glades, Lee, Palm Beach, Suwannee, and Taylor counties participated to discover ways to improve UTC processing and TCATS reporting Senior Liaison Officers and FACC worked together with the counties to assist with error reduction Overall error reduction of 7.19%!
Dana Reiding, Chief Bureau of Records Division of Driver Licenses (850)