The Cohesion Fund: Programming and link to the Structural Funds Annual Meeting of ISPA Partners 2003: From ISPA to Cohesion Fund and Structural Funds Angela Martinez-Sarasola European Commission DG Regional Policy
The Cohesion Fund: Programming and link to the Structural Funds I. Existing rules and policy documents under the existing Cohesion Fund should be applied: Similar to ISPA II. The need for coordination with the Structural Funds III. Commission decision on each individual project Introduction
The Cohesion Fund: Programming and link to the Structural Funds z Strategic approach: projects consistent with a general environment and transport strategy (Article B(2) of Regulation 1265/1999 modifying Annex II of R 1164/94) z Financing Strategy zAttention to the polluter - pays principle zTaking into account private source of finance zModulation of the intervention rate I. Cohesion Fund: the strategic approach (1)
The Cohesion Fund: Programming and link to the Structural Funds zDefinition of priorities for assistance zTransport z10 Pan-European Transport Corridors (future TEN-T) zEncouraging rail and combined transport zIntermodal platforms z Improved traffic management zEnvironment (non-exclusive) z Drinking water z Waste water z Solid waste I. Cohesion Fund: the strategic approach (2)
The Cohesion Fund: Programming and link to the Structural Funds z Coordination and consistency with other Community Funds and other financial instruments (Article 8 of R 1264/99 amending R 1164/94 and Article 10 of R 1260/99) z NDP and SPD of the Structural Funds: z only one strategy for the development of the country z coherent and integrated approach to both sectors z Indication of the planned use and form of all the financial contribution (Articles 16.1(c) and (c) of R 1260/99) II. Cohesion Fund: The need for a co-ordinated approach with Structural Funds
The Cohesion Fund: Programming and link to the Structural Funds Reference Framework for the Cohesion Fund Plan/CSF/SPD a strategy common to : - Structural Funds - Cohesion Fund (financial means) Operational Programme for the Structural Funds (Transport Infrastructure and Environment) Other Operational Programmes
The Cohesion Fund: Programming and link to the Structural Funds z Analysis of the situation z Analysis of the environment sector as a whole z Analysis of the transport sector as a whole z Strategy and priorities z Definition of Sectoral strategies and priorities per sector z Rationale for the contribution of each financial instrument z Financial Plan z Clear distinction of the contribution of each financial instrument z Complementary use of other sources, EIB,... Plan or CSF or SPD: Global view
The Cohesion Fund: Programming and link to the Structural Funds Operational Programme for the Structural Funds (Transport Infrastructure and Environment) - Financial Plan
The Cohesion Fund: Programming and link to the Structural Funds Reference Framework : (focus on the Cohesion Fund) Analysis/Key problems Strategic objectives Priorities Selection criteria List of priority projects Estimated cost including financial plan The implementation timetable
The Cohesion Fund: Programming and link to the Structural Funds z Definition of project z Economically indivisible z Technically and financially independent z Rationalised Management : significant impact (10 million Euro) z Group of projects z located in the same area or corridor z overall plan z supervised by a single body III. Cohesion Fund: Project submissions (1)
The Cohesion Fund: Programming and link to the Structural Funds z The quality of application forms z Application form provided (similar to ISPA) z Eligibility: z Date of submission (retroactivity 1st January 2004) z New Commission Regulation No 16/2003 z Public contracts: z National law according to EC procurement rules z Monitoring Table z Timing for project submissions III. Cohesion Fund: Project submissions (2)
The Cohesion Fund: Programming and link to the Structural Funds zThe need for continuity: ISPA strategies z Global strategic view: Cohesion Fund and Structural Funds z Reference Framework z Definition of project pipeline z Preparation of projects (Technical Assistance ISPA) or other pre-accession funds: now! Conclusions