Foresighting the HE/R system: some issues for EU policy Report from session 4 a new paradigm for relations between higher education and research Conference, The Europe of Knowledge 2020, Liège, April 2004 By P. Larédo
4 long term trends Facing massification and increasing diversity of student population Complementing disciplinary based knowledge: - behavioural competences: learn to learn, search and debate - employability and context dependent knowledge The growing role of the third mission Accountability and the development of accreditation, assessment and hit parades
Two opposite scenarios RIDING THE WAVE Knowledge economy Emphasis on market mechanisms Public intervention = remedying failures and coping with crises SECOND RENAISSANCE Knowledge society Democracy and citoyens chercheurs Pro-active public intervention to shape the future
Action 1: work on university differentiation Mass tertiary education Bachelor and proximity public service An approach to University main functions, mixing the 3 missions Specialised professional training & research New frontier academic research (competing at world level) U1 U2 U3
Action 2: promote core competences Reasoning appropriate to the topic and critical thinking Creativity / curiosity Team-working and collaboration Information handling Working across subject boundaries Managing projects and leading Ethical practice Dissemination Developing foresight A tentative definition (Fontela/Knight report)
4 main issues discussed for EC intervention University differentiation Role of core competences in training A European framework for supporting collaborative training programmes at master and PhD level A critical size programme of research on HE/R: LTAC, university management and governance