Adulthood & Old Age Unit 6 Lesson 8
Peak Ages yrs yrs Health Health Strength Strength Reflexes Reflexes Sexuality Sexuality
Young Adulthood Age Age Trying 20s: Advance work/social relations and independence Trying 20s: Advance work/social relations and independence Men: separation & individuality Men: separation & individuality Women: lasting relationships Women: lasting relationships Cognitive Development: IQ scores increase, problem-solving Cognitive Development: IQ scores increase, problem-solving Erikson: Intimacy vs. Isolation Erikson: Intimacy vs. Isolation Daniel Levinson: “Seasons of a Man’s Life” Daniel Levinson: “Seasons of a Man’s Life” Early 20s: Blueprint Early 20s: Blueprint Age 30: Crisis, Reassessment Age 30: Crisis, Reassessment Late 30s: Settle, come into one’s own Late 30s: Settle, come into one’s own
Middle Adulthood Age Age Physical Appearance: Hair (gray/thin), Skin (wrinkle/loose), Muscles break down Physical Appearance: Hair (gray/thin), Skin (wrinkle/loose), Muscles break down Health Problems: Heart disease, Cancer, Weight gain, Shrinking, Diabetes, Hypertension Health Problems: Heart disease, Cancer, Weight gain, Shrinking, Diabetes, Hypertension Sensations Decline: Sight, Hearing, Slow down Sensations Decline: Sight, Hearing, Slow down Erikson: Generativity vs. Stagnation Erikson: Generativity vs. Stagnation Daniel Levinson: “Seasons of a Man’s Life” Daniel Levinson: “Seasons of a Man’s Life” Midlife Transition: How many years left? Midlife Transition: How many years left? Midlife crisis if transition doesn’t go well Midlife crisis if transition doesn’t go well Middlescence: 2 nd quest for identity Middlescence: 2 nd quest for identity Menopause/Manopause Menopause/Manopause Empty-nest syndrome Empty-nest syndrome Sheehy: Women in midlife Sheehy: Women in midlife
Late Adulthood Age 65+ Age 65+ Decremental Model of Aging Decremental Model of Aging Health Problems: Depression, Bone mass decreases, Chronic disease increases, Strength decreases Health Problems: Depression, Bone mass decreases, Chronic disease increases, Strength decreases Sensations Decline: Sight, Hearing Loss Sensations Decline: Sight, Hearing Loss Cognitive Changes: IQ declines post-retirement (verbal ability stays the same), Memory impairments (10% senile) Cognitive Changes: IQ declines post-retirement (verbal ability stays the same), Memory impairments (10% senile) Erikson: Integrity vs. Despair Erikson: Integrity vs. Despair Daniel Levinson: “Seasons of a Man’s Life” Daniel Levinson: “Seasons of a Man’s Life” Late Adult Transition Late Adult Transition Life Changes: retirement, widowhood, lifestyle Life Changes: retirement, widowhood, lifestyle 1 million in institutions/facilities, 25% live with kids 1 million in institutions/facilities, 25% live with kids Ageism Ageism
“On Death and Dying” Elizabeth Kubler Ross Elizabeth Kubler Ross Closed vs. Suspected vs. Open Awareness Closed vs. Suspected vs. Open Awareness 5 Stages of terminally ill/elderly 5 Stages of terminally ill/elderly Denial – “This can’t be happening to me” Denial – “This can’t be happening to me” Anger – “Why me?” Anger – “Why me?” Bargaining – “I promise, I’ll do this if…” Bargaining – “I promise, I’ll do this if…” Depression – “This is hopeless” Depression – “This is hopeless” Acceptance – “I am at peace” Acceptance – “I am at peace” Detachment…makes it easier Detachment…makes it easier Hope springs eternal?! Hope springs eternal?!