Design Elements Floral Design
The Elements of Design are: Line Form Pattern Texture Color
LINE The visual path the eye follows as it proceeds through the arrangement. Provides the “skeleton” or framework of a design. May be created by a single line flower or by repeating flowers with similar colors, shapes, or textures.
Types of Line Vertical Draws eye to point at either end suggesting motion. Exclamation point Suggests: strength, dignity, severity, formality
Types of Line (cont’d) Horizontal Draws eye to point on either end suggesting motion More relaxing or informal Curved Gentleness and gracefulness
FORM The geometric shape or line design that forms the outline of a flower arrangement Example: Circle, Triangle, etc
Name the Form!
PATTERN The pattern of a floral design forms its silhouette against a space. The pattern may be: Linear Mass Combination of both
Linear OR Mass?
TEXTURE Refers to physical surface qualities of materials used in an arrangement. (Smoothness, glossiness, roughness, etc.) Materials with similar textures should be combined. For a striking effect, contrasts of coarse and fine textures can be used.
Describe these textures…
Color comes tomorrow….