Middletown High School Course Selection
The Scheduling Process MHS Guidance Counselors Ms. Sims A-D Mrs. Reitemeyer E-L Mr. JamisonM-R Mrs. McCallS-Z
The Scheduling Process Course worksheets and appointments distributed in advisory April 1 st. The course catalog is available on line at Counselors will meet with each student Course requests will be verified
Block Scheduling Students will have four periods per semester. Each period is a “block” Each student will have the opportunity to earn 8 credits for the school year
Graduation Requirements CourseUnits of Credit English4 (one per grade level) Social Studies4 (one per grade level) Mathematics4 (one per grade level) Science3 Career Pathway3 Electives3.5 Physical Education1 Health0.5 and completion of the Senior Project
Career Pathway A planned program of sequenced or specialized courses designed to develop knowledge and skills in a particular career area 3 credits in a Career Pathway are required for graduation The Career Pathway is not a life- long career choice and may not necessarily be something a student would like to pursue following graduation from high school
The Career Pathways Academic – Humanities – Math/Science Technology – Foreign Language Allied Health AgriScience – Animal Science – Wildlife & Natural Resources – Plant & Horticultural Sciences
Career Pathways Business, Education & Marketing Education – Accounting – Banking – Business Information Technology – Marketing Family & Consumer Sciences – Child Development – Culinary Arts
Career Pathways Jobs for Delaware Graduates (JDG) ROTC Technology Education – Drafting & Design – Graphic Design & Production – Construction & Manufactory Systems
Career Pathways Visual & Performing Arts – Fine Arts – Instrumental Music – Theatre Arts – Vocal Music
Course Selection Process ~Meetings March 30 – May 7 Counselors will be meeting with all current 8-11 th graders Your meeting date and time is determined by your counselor and will be printed on your course selection sheet
Course Selection Process ~Meeting The purpose of the course request process is to inform guidance and administration of the courses you plan to take next year. It is important that you be on time for your appointment. If you are not present for your appointment, your counselor will select your courses for you.
Course Selection Process ~Verification Soon after May 10 a course verification sheet will be provided for each student to verify their requested courses. A process for making any changes will be explained at that time. You will also be able to view your selections in HAC
Course Selection Process ~Determining Courses After course requests are complete, administration determines how many sections of each course will be offered The master schedule is determined largely in part by student course selection Choose your courses wisely!!!
Course Selection Choose your courses wisely Talk to your current teachers What level do they recommend for you? Talk to your parents What do they recommend and support? Talk to your counselors What do they advise for you?
Course Selection Worksheet Please Distribute Course Selection Worksheets
Course Selection Worksheet Please look at your appointment date and time. Please write your appointment time down in your agenda book now!!
Course Selection Worksheet Any changes made to the course offering sheet will be discussed with you at the time of your appointment.
Please consider when Selecting Courses 1. Students are able to take 8 credits. (Seniors must take at least 3 blocks each semester = 6 credits) 2. Make sure you have selected the next level of English, Social Studies, Math & Science (assume that you will pass this year).
Please consider when Selecting Courses 3.If you fail a core subject your schedule will automatically be adjusted to the correct grade level and course. Your counselor can also review other make-up options including Groves and BYU.
Please consider when Selecting Courses 4. Health, PE, and Driver’s Ed courses are ½ credits and are only held for half the time of a typical class. You must elect two ½ credits to complete a full credit in your schedule. For example, 10th graders electing to take Driver’s Ed must also take PE (you need one full credit of PE and ½ credit of Health in order to graduate).
Please consider when Selecting Courses Make sure you have selected 8 courses for next year. (At least 6 for seniors) Make sure you have selected 2 Alternates and labeled them with an “A” You should have a total of 10 courses circled.
Course Selection To prepare for your meeting … Please verify that your course request is reflects the criteria reviewed Please talk to your parents/guardians before your scheduled appointment time Please bring this course selection sheet to your appointment.
Questions and Concerns If you have general questions and concerns, please tell your advisory teacher and they will forward them to guidance. Specific questions will be answered during your scheduling meeting.