ADTSEA Presentation on Google Classrooms Richard C. Salboro Wai’anae High School and James Campbell Driver’s Education Program
GAFE - Google Apps for Education Is your school’s through gmail? If YES then you are a GAFE school
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Rationale for Google Classrooms Waianae High School is a GAFE school It is an expectation of our complex & school to utilize our technology (ipads & laptops) to educate our students in a manner that prepares them for 21st century post-secondary education & careers. Our students often require more repetition and review than our 36 hours allows. GAFE allows learning to continue outside of the classroom hours. This also allows for curriculum extension & enrichment activities.
FERPA GAFE is FERPA compliant 7.4 FERPA. The parties acknowledge that (a) Customer Data may include personally identifiable information from education records that are subject to FERPA ("FERPA Records"); and (b) to the extent that Customer Data includes FERPA Records, Google will be considered a "School Official" (as that term is used in FERPA and its implementing regulations) and will comply with FERPA.
Share Settings GAFE allows users to share documents & websites ONLY with those identified. To ensure documents & websites are only shared with those enrolled in the class, all information is shared only with the students currently enrolled within the driver’s education class. GAFE as well as requires students to be signed into their school account. GAFE also allows you to prevent viewers from downloading the ADSTEA curriculum
Waianae High School Driver’s Education Site
Waianae High School Driver’s Education Site The purpose of this site is to provide access to information about our driver’s education program to the public. Using GAFE’s forms’ features prospective student sign up for our class. GAFE’s forms removes the confusion of returning phone calls and disorganized sign up methods with their timestamp feature.
Waianae High School Driver’s Education Site
Classroom Instruction The classroom portion of the program is taught through the GAFE site. Students answer the video questions using GAFE forms. Instructors monitor responses as a formative assessment. All information is auto generated into GAFE sheets which is stored in the sessions gradebook on GAFE drive.
Classroom Instruction Unit exams are also administered through GAFE forms. GAFE allows for exams to be turned on & off so students are only able to take exams when instructor chooses. Responses are auto generated into GAFE sheets and stored in the session’s gradebook. The GAFE sheet script Flubaroo automatically grades the exam
Thank You :)