Data collection on the status of Roma Andrey Ivanov, Daniel Skobla UNDP Bratislava
Europe and CIS Data collection on the status of Roma in Slovakia, 23rd May 2011 Outline Why bother about data and what are the related problems? A glimpse of the Slovak project (what would it yield?) Broader context Next steps
Europe and CIS Data collection on the status of Roma in Slovakia, 23rd May 2011 Why do we need data at all? Information on the nature of challenges Status in various areas Their determinants Information on priorities What to do first How much resources necessary Information on the perception of challenges Baseline for assessing progress – no serious monitoring can be done without data Monitoring as a MUST for successful projects!! Cost/benefit analysis of different interventions
Europe and CIS Data collection on the status of Roma in Slovakia, 23rd May 2011 Necessary preconditions for meaningful data Substantive experience (knowledge of the subject) Combination of methodological rigorousness and practical exposure. Reading books a library is not sufficient Ownership by stakeholders involved Understanding what figures tell Building on existing knowledge Resources
Europe and CIS Data collection on the status of Roma in Slovakia, 23rd May 2011 Problems with data on the status of Roma Identification of the universe of study (whos Roma?) Self-identification External assessment Multiple identities Political sensitivity (incl. misuse of data for political purposes) Fear of stigma The crucial question: what to put in the denominator?
Europe and CIS Data collection on the status of Roma in Slovakia, 23rd May 2011 UNDPs experience in data collection in Slovakia and the region Nation-wide survey on marginalized Roma households living conditions (2005) followed- up by analytical report (2006), Nation-wide quantitative survey on marginalized Roma living conditions complemented by qualitative researches ( ), Regional survey on marginalized Roma living conditions and discrimination in cooperation with the WB and FRA (2011) financed by the DG Regional Policy (EC)
Europe and CIS Data collection on the status of Roma in Slovakia, 23rd May 2011 UNDPs experience in research in Slovakia Analysis of policies and methodologies for ethnic data collection (2008) on the request of Slovak equality body and Slovak parliament, Identifying barriers to employment and employability of marginalized Roma (2006) in cooperation with Office of the Roma Plenipotentiary, Supporting the Decade of Roma Inclusion, facilitating NAPs revision process
Europe and CIS Data collection on the status of Roma in Slovakia, 23rd May 2011 The quantitative survey methodology Nation-wide, random survey – universe of survey based on ATLAS Roma households and 350 households in close proximity Unit of analysis is household, but some questions pertaniing to individual Three levels of comparison: segregated, separated, mixed Additional level of comparison: marginalized Roma and general population living in proximity
Europe and CIS Data collection on the status of Roma in Slovakia, 23rd May 2011 Sampling 30 sampling sites for each category (separated, segregated and mixed) and 8 households for each site Sample of general population will serve as a control group with 90 PSUs These sites will be classified as urban (more than 5000 inhabitants) and rural (less than 5000 inhabitants), 45 sampling sites will be chosen among them, proportionally
Europe and CIS Data collection on the status of Roma in Slovakia, 23rd May 2011 Levels of analysis Analysis of data 2010 – frequencies, numbers and mutual correlations Comparison with 2005 dataset (makes possible constructing time series) Comparison (on selected questions) with general population surveys such as EU-SILC, LFS, Households Budgets World Bank/UNDP/FRA regional – has elaborated component on ECEC and health, separate behavioral module Opportunity for propensity score matching
Europe and CIS Data collection on the status of Roma in Slovakia, 23rd May 2011 Questionnaire Based on face-to-face interviews Questionnaire modules: Dwellings Demographic structure Migration Health Education Labor market status Incomes and expenditures Subjective assessment of poverty Attitudes
Europe and CIS Data collection on the status of Roma in Slovakia, 23rd May 2011 Composition of Roma population 15+ by economic status (%)
Europe and CIS Data collection on the status of Roma in Slovakia, 23rd May 2011 Composition of Roma population by economic status
Europe and CIS Data collection on the status of Roma in Slovakia, 23rd May 2011 Composition of Roma population 15+ by economic status and level of segregation (%) SegregatedSeparatedMixedTotal Students, pupils 6,58,65,6 6,9 Working 7,09,613,4 9,9 Unemployed 56,653,552,8 54,3 Homestead 3,70,91,6 2 Parental or maternity leave 11,410,411,0 10,9 Old-age pension 6,510,28,2 8,3 Invalidity pension 5,64,45,6 5,2 Other (including taking care of household member) 2,5 1,9 2,3 Individuals total100,0
Europe and CIS Data collection on the status of Roma in Slovakia, 23rd May 2011 Experience with working activity in life of Roma population 15+ in comparison with general population living in proximity (%) Question:Roma population 15+ by paid job in previous week – comparison with general population living in proximity (v %)
Europe and CIS Data collection on the status of Roma in Slovakia, 23rd May 2011 Roma population 15+ by paid job in previous week – comparison with general population living in proximity (v %) Question: Have you done in previous week at least for 1 hour any job for wage, salary, or other type of remuneration with the aim to gain profit (including selling of tickets, or other goods, work in garden or field, or construction work) respectively, have you helped in field, garden or enterprise belonging to family member (excluding activation works) ?
Europe and CIS Data collection on the status of Roma in Slovakia, 23rd May 2011 Next challenges Dont get drown in data (there is a lot out there already and more is coming) Make sense of it all Dont get into data exercises for their own sake Dont just collect data but address priority issues Special schools? Employability Survival patterns? Mainstream into nations data collection mechanisms and tools Make use of it!
Europe and CIS Data collection on the status of Roma in Slovakia, 23rd May 2011 Next steps Integrating the SK survey with the EC-funded regional survey utilizing mutual complementarities Adding territorial characteristics Explicit but not exclusive targeting Qualitative research Going from status to determinants (not just what is the level but why and how we can address it) Assisting in the preparation of the National Strategy Evidence-based Explicitly participatory bottom-up Clear communication of what, why and how