European Commission 1 Building cross-border decent work bridges A SPEECH BY ANDROULLA KAMINARA HEAD EC REPRESENTATION IN CYPRUS
European Commission 2 Long history of cross-border moving 1968: European Common Market Directive 2004/38 Court of Justice of the European Union – successive rulings 2
European Commission 3 Geographical mobility: workers' decision to leave the region where they work in order to reside and work in another EU region Job mobility: career shifts between jobs that require different skills to be performed, regardless of the geographical area in which these jobs are placed Mobility: a key distinction 3
European Commission 4 I. Geographical mobility: facts and figures 2.3% of EU citizens reside in another member state (54% rise since 2001) Cyprus: 48,913 workers from other EU countries (almost 13% of workforce) Mostly from Romania (1 in 4), Greece (1 in 5), Bulgaria (1 in 6), UK (1 in 10), Slovakia (2%) 315,000 Cypriots live and work in other EU countries (mostly UK, Greece) 4
European Commission 5 5 I. Geographical Mobility: perceptions People moving with the EU is a good thing: 60% of EU-27, 56% of Cypriots Mobility is good for the individual: 48% of EU-27, 24% of Cypriots (lowest) Have lived and worked in another country: 10% of EU-27, 12% of Cypriots Intend to take advantage of free movement: 17% of EU-27, 10% of Cypriots Would move if unemployed: half of EU-27, 66% of Cypriots (highest)
European Commission 6 6 I. Geographical Mobility: motives and disincentives Main Motives: -Better quality of life -Better working conditions -Better career or business opportunities -Wish to discover something new and meet new people Main disincentives: -Dont want to leave home -Dont want to impose big changes to their families and/or children -Dont want to leave their friends behind -Dont want to leave their house or other property behind Other hindrances: housing, language, employment of spouse or partner, return mechanisms, historical barriers recognition of mobility experience
European Commission 7 What does the EU do? (1) - Europe 2020 strategy (more details to follow) - Communication on Reaffirming free movement of workers: rights and major developments - More and better information - Simpler and more efficient procedures - Faster access to benefits - More people can benefit 7
European Commission 8 What does the EU do? (2) More and better information - Information provided actively and rapidly - User-friendly services - Limited number of documents - New website: ( - Updated citizens' guide - Access to a new online directory ( Simpler and more efficient procedures: -EESI (Electronic Exchange of Social Security Information) network paper forms to be eliminated 8
European Commission 9 What does the EU do? (3) Faster access to benefits Temporary affiliation (payment of benefits, access to treatment, sickness insurance when institutions of different EU countries fail to agree on an individuals status) More people can benefit: - workers and their families - people currently out of work - people not yet in work - people no longer working -Scope: -New benefits (paternity) -Pre-retirement benefits -Un-employment benefits -Family benefits -Sickness insurance 9
European Commission 10 II. Career shifts – Europe ) Smart growth: developing an economy based on knowledge and innovation 2.) Sustainable growth: promoting a more efficient, greener and more competitive economy 3.) Inclusive growth: fostering a high-employment economy delivering social and territorial cohesion –high levels of employment –investing in skills –fighting poverty –modernising labour markets, training and social protection systems –ensuring access and opportunities for all throughout the lifecycle 10
European Commission 11 II. Career shifts - skills 80 mln people have low or basic skills Life-long learning benefits mostly the educated By mln more jobs will require high qualifications - demand for low skills will drop by 12 mln jobs 11
European Commission 12 Agenda for new skills and jobs flagship initiative Targeted skills upgrading -most people who will fill the jobs in the next ten years are already working today -even when unemployment in the EU is nearing 10%, new factories or other enterprises often cannot find workers (lack of proper education and training) Currently, training insufficient Emphasis on services sector and green jobs Right skills balance 12
European Commission 13 Agenda for new skills and jobs – three issues Skills needs – future demands Education and Training System Better use of skills Skills forecasts Every 2 years European University Business Forum Adapt to changing workforce Studies In main economic sectors Multilingual Dictionary (ESCO) Linking skills and competences needed Comprehensive strategies – Competence based approaches Sectoral councils on skills and employment 13
European Commission 14 Youth on the Move flagship initiative Recently announced by European Commissioner responsible for Education, Culture, Multilingualism and Youth Ms Androulla Vassiliou 5 million young Europeans looking for a job Many lack the right qualifications and experience 14
European Commission 15 References Public consultations webpage Important links Communication on Reaffirming free movement of workers: rights and major developments 7&furtherNews=yes New skills for new jobs websites and Youth on the Move website Europe 2020 strategy