Chemistry I Coach Brannon Fall Semester 2012 Room SUL-219
Welcome Back!!! Agenda for today… – Rules and Regulations for the Class – Syllabus – Student Information Sheet – School Rack website – Team building activity if time
General Rules The Handbook will and must be followed. I expect you to be in the room in your general area by when the bell rings – Not sliding in the door as it is shutting – If you are late please have a note from a teacher or let me know where you are – Going to get Pop Tarts does not count as a viable excuse
Cont If you are tardy to first period you need to stop by front office and pick up an admit slip If you are absent the day before a blue admit slip must be gotten to be readmitted to class – If you lose it then another one must be gotten
Cont No food or drinks allowed in the room – This includes breakfast items during first block or lunch items during third block – Bottled water is allowed and is to be kept with the lid on when not being used Tobacco products are not to be used during school and will result in directly being sent to the Front Office
Classroom Atmosphere We have an open bathroom policy – If you need to go just ask – Leave me your cell phone and get a hall pass – A hall pass must be taken to go to the restroom that is 20 feet away Because you are in the hallway – Only one person gone to the bathroom at a time If it becomes a problem and you go everyday at 10:13 then classroom time will be made up during activity period
Cont Students should come each day with a pencil prepared to write – That means a pen or pencil Each student will need to get a notebook for this class only!!!! – This needs to be a small 3 subject notebook – This will be used to keep learning targets, reading logs, notes, and other general information in and will be used each day
Media Policy Due to cheating and us not having passwords on our WI-FI networks there are to be no iPod touches, iPhones, other android based smart phones, MP3 Players, PSPs, CD players, or any other type of electronic devices used during class. If you are caught using such device it will be confiscated. If it is a phone it will be turned in to the front office.
Computer Use We have a very nice Apple laptop lab to use in the Science Building When using the Internet for searches, WebQuests, free time, etc. no proxy servers are to be used to bypass the state security blocks – Sites include YouTube, Facebook, MySpace, etc. If you are found to have done this your computer privileges will be revoked and AI will be assigned.
Grading This will be gone over in the syllabus Chemistry I – Daily Grades: 50% Review Sheets, Study Guides, Labs, Notebooks – Tests: 50% Chapter Tests, Notebook Tests, Group Projects Midterm Exam and Final will count as 2 Test Grades – Final exam must be taken if not exempt…failure to do so will result in an “F” in the class
Books We have a classroom set of textbooks that will be left in the room and used here
Other items Do not have the door open before the bell rings You may line up at the door but please do not be in the hallway
Any questions???
School Rack Website Coach B's Page Information for the class Each day PowerPoints, notes, other materials will be posted If you are absent you may go look at this page and see what we did for that day – Print off PPTs, see what is coming up, etc.