Welcome Chhattisgarh
BGREI Central Steering Committee (CSC) Review Meeting Meeting Dated - 20 Dec., 2013 Department of Agriculture, Chhattisgarh
I N D E X ParticularPage No. Chhattisgarh an overview01 Scenario of Rice Cultivation in Chhattisgarh02 A- Achievement BGREI Impact of BGREI Interventions06 B- Strategy adopted by State07-09 Photographs10-13 C - Achievement BGREI D- Efforts in Increasing procurement and Storage16 E - Result of Crop cutting Rice Demonstration Issues for Consideration18
Chhattisgarh–An Overview Agro Climatic Zones Sub-divided into three agro climatic zones. Geog. area :138 lakh ha. Forest cover :63.36 lakh ha. (46%) Net sown area :47.75 lakh ha. (35%) Net Irrigated Area: lakh ha. (30%) 57 % soil is medium to light. Average rainfall :1334 mm. Farm families:37.46 lakh (33% ST, 12 % SC) 76% small & marginal Farmers Cropping intensity:136 % Northern Hills Zone Chhattisgarh Plains Zone Bastar Plateau Zone 1
Scenario of Rice Cultivation in Chhattisgarh Rice constitutes 75 % of total kharif cropped area. Around 63 % rice is sown by broadcast biasi method. 71 % area under rainfed condition. Situation-wise Percent rainfed area : Rainfed UplandRainfed mid landRainfed low land 45 %35 %20 % Early and mid - duration varieties cover 64 % of total Paddy area. Coverage of Hybrid Rice % of total Rice area. Average productivity of Rice (kg/ha.) : Chhattisgarh National Year Seed Replacement Rate (SRR) :- Year SRR %
A- ACHIVEMENTS BGREI Rs. in lakhs ComponentsUnitSanctionAchievement Phy.Fin.Phy.Fin. Demonstration of RiceHa Hy. Maize Seed minikit (0.4 Ha each) No Asset Building Site Specific Needs Addmi. & Other Conti Total (99.8%) 3
S. N o. Components Sanction Achievement (upto March 13) Achievement (During 13-14) Target of Total Achievement Phy.Fin.Phy.Fin.PhyFin.Phy.Fin. 1 (a) Rainfed Upland Rice (b) Shallow Low land Rice (c) Irrigated - Traditional Variety (d) Irrigated - Hybrid Dist. of Hy. Maize Seed Minikit TOTAL BGREI Rs. in lakhs 4
S. N o. Components Sanction Achievement (upto March 13) Achievement (During 13-14) Target of Total Achievement Phy.Fin.Phy.Fin.PhyFin.Phy.Fin. 2 Borewell Topup (Rs to 15000) Construction of Check dams Construction of MIT Subsidy on Agriculture Implements as per MMA norms Contingencies (Operational / Monitoring) Grand Total BGREI Rs. in lakhs 5
Impact of BGREI Interventions Increase in productivity of Rice / Maize :- Crop Rice (BGREI Districts) Rice (State) Maize (State) Area Expansion under irrigation In last three years ( to ) :- ComponentsNumberAdditional area brought under irrigation New tubewells Checkdams MIT Agriculture Mechanization :- Year Farm power availability kw/ha Increase in cropping intensity :- Year %
B- Strategy adopted by State :- (a)Rainfed situation Rice : (i) Thrust on line sowing with weedicide application instead of broadcasting. (ii) Promotion of early / mid duration rice varieties to ensure timely sowing and area expansion under rabi crops (b) Irrigated condition : (i)Emphasis on increase in area under transplantation / SRI (ii) Thrust on use of chemical fertilizer and micro nutrient based on soil analysis. (iii)Distribution of green manuring seed to farmers on subsidized rate. (iv) Area expansion under hybrid rice. 7
Strategies adopted Block Demonstration : Time bound programme for selection of farmers and their training. Ensured timely input supply. Regular field visit of nominated scientists and field functionaries for technical support. Site specific intervention : Only 30% of net sown area is irrigated through different sources. Average annual rainfall of the state is fairly high (1334 mm). Due to inadequate water harvesting structure major portion of rain water go waste. For the purpose of conserving rain water and its utilization for irrigation checkdams / minor irrigation tanks are being constructed under site specific activities. Suitable sites are selected with consultation of local farmers / Panchayati Raj Institutions. Above structures are constructed on Government land. Constructed structures are handed over to local Gram Panchayat for utilization and maintenance. 8
Rice - Block Demonstration 9
Direct seeded line sown Rice crop 13 Var - Bambleshwari Var- MTU
Rain water harvesting structure under BGREI Raipur Kondagaon Gariyaband Check Dam 11
Ambikapur Minor Irrigation Tank Bilaspur 12
C. BGREI Rs. in lakhs SituationsUnit Target fixed by GOI Sanction by SLSC Achievement Phy.Fin.Phy.Fin.Phy.Fin. (a) Rainfed Upland Rice Ha (b) Shallow Low land Rice (c) Irrigated - Traditional Variety (d) Irrigated - Hybrid Total A-BLOCK DEMONSTRATION Total area under rice in the state is lakh ha out of which lakh ha. (42%) area falls under BGREI districts and rest 58% under NFSM district. As only 42% rice area is under BGREI districts. State has proposed lesser target for Block Demonstration. 13
Contd.. Rs. in lakhs ComponentsUnit Target fixed by GOI Sanction by SLSC Achievement Phy.Fin.Phy.Fin.Phy.Fin. B-Assets Building Pump SetsNos Dug Wells/Borewell /Borewell Topup Nos Paddy TransplantersNos Distri. of Agri.Imp.As per MMA Norms Nos Total C-State Specific Construction of MITNos Const. of Check damsNos D-Marketing Support Grand Total (A+B+C+D) (64%) 14
D. Efforts in increasing Procurement and Storage Paddy procurement under support price from to is as below :- S. No. Year Paddy procurement Centre (No.) Paddy Purchased (MT) Amount (Lakh Rs.) % increase against previous year (MT) % increase over previous year % % % Paddy procurement is gradually increasing 15
E- RESULT OF CROP CUTTING - BGREI RICE DEMONSTRATION S. No Situations Average Productivity Demonstration Plot Control Plot % Increase 1Rainfed Upland Rice Shallow Low land Rice Irrigated - Traditional High Yielding Variety Irrigated - Hybrid Unit : Kg.per ha. 16
Issues for Consideration Construction of rain water harvesting structure (Checkdam, MIT) are important site specific activity of the State and it has significant impact on increasing productivity and cropping intensity. These Structures are constructed on Government land and handed over to Gram Panchayat for utilization & maintenance. Since , 100% assistance was allowed for this activity but during GOI suggested only 50% assistance. Since these structure are being constructed on Government land and it is community assets hence 100% assistance may be allowed as earlier years and as per sanction of SLSC. 17