Biostrat is a Specific Support Action funded in FP6, aiming at the further development of the EU Biodiversity Research Strategy. It supports the European Platform for Biodiversity Research Strategy (EPBRS, in biannually bringing together policy makers and scientists from and outside of Europe, to identify key research areas for policy in the field of biodiversity conservation. Electronic conferences are organized prior to these meetings to gather input from the widest range of scientists and policy makers possible in the given topic, the outcome of which serves as the basis for discussion by invited delegates to the successive meeting. Recommendations produced as a result of each EPBRS meeting are disseminated to the European Parliament, the European Commission and governments of Member States. The latest topics were: Supporting the European Platform for Biodiversity Research Strategy (EPBRS) to develop and continually revise the EU Biodiversity Research Strategy Including the results of existing and ongoing biodiversity research projects in the development of the EU Biodiversity Research Strategy. Linking the EU Biodiversity Research Strategy to the national, European and international funding programmes, especially the ERA-Nets related to biodiversity issues Incorporating GEOSS objectives in the EU Biodiversity Research Strategy Linking EU Biodiversity Research Strategy with international initiatives including the multi- stakeholder consultative process of the Paris Conference, the Millennium Ecosystem assessment, the 2010 target, ESRI, GTI, GBIF, CBD, and DIVERSITAS. Biostrat organizes a workshop to assist the European contribution towards the GEO Biodiversity Observation Network For more info, please visit In a nutshell mountain biodiversity youth and biodiversity urban ecology and biodiversity how to reach the and beyond- target: research influencing policy biodiversity and ecosystem services – the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment framework in a European perspective Biodiversity in the wider countryside European biodiversity research and the global perspective marine biodiversity biodiversity of freshwaters Overall objectives Biostrat also promotes scientific and policy results of its partner countries by supporting the preparation of national reviews related to the topics of EPBRS meetings. The activities and organizational structure of National Biodiversity Platforms, the bodies responsible for the preparation of these reviews, are synchronized by Biostrat. Biostrat also collaborates with relevant organizations inside and outside Europe by carrying out intensive networking activity to harmonize the Strategy with other projects and initiatives. Workpackages 1.Further development of the European biodiversity research strategy 2.Involvement of Framework Programme projects in the development of the EU biodiversity Research Strategy 3.Introducing GEOSS objectives into the EU Biodiversity Research Strategy 4.Linking the EU Biodiversity Research Strategy with international initiatives 5.Integrate EU Member States and Candidate Countries into the ERA area for biodiversity 6.Project coordination National Biodiversity Platforms BIOSTRAT Provide support Provide information WP 5 NGOs National Research capacities Civil society Environmental authorities Funding agencies European Scientifc community, Biodiversity Stakeholders, Sceince Policy Makers, EU Parliament EPBRS DG Research Society at the interface science-policy outside FP6 countries WP 1 E-conferences, seminars WP 1 International Initiatives DIVERSITAS SCB GEOSS … ERA-Net WP 6 WP 3 & 4 SBSTTA Support meetings Disseminatio n of NBP- idea FP6 Projects WP 2 WP 3 & 4 WP 4 Figure 1. Biostrat communication links Direct links supported by BIOSTRAT/EPBRS activities Indirect links supported by NBPs and BIOSTRAT-members towards other groups and bodies Figure 2. Relation of workpackages Dr. Katalin Török Institute of Ecology and Botany of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences Alkotmány u. 2-4., 2163 Vácrátót, Hungary Tel: Fax: Coordinator