EuropeAid Introduction to the new Capacity4dev
EuropeAid What is capacity4dev? What is the utility of this tool? Capacity4dev is a tool that: can support daily work of teams across the globe through Secure collaboration spaces Connects HQ and Delegations, enhances networking / sharing among delegations in an easy way Connects with the external world outside the EC by sharing information, allowing participation in discussions / forums
Capacity4Dev : Water sector Key information IS in Delegation /countries HQ can contribute with reference documents, information from other donors per default all E.C. documents are public except if concerning personal information (CV,..) and financial data
EuropeAid Capacity4Dev : Water sector (2) proposed orientations 2 Groups : - Public Group on Water and Sanitation : open to external members (free consultation but membership required to contribute) - Waternet internal EC staff only : restricted to internal staff (Del + HQ) First focus on : - library : recover and improve the current WaterNet content + what YOU will bring to the system !! - discussions / forum : to avoid multiples exchanges and chat under Outlook as today
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Capacity4dev : already done : Waternet wiki documents uploaded Workshops created as Events : related documents uploaded Search functionality through tags Now you can look for documents, start a discussion, put a comment or a blog post and … upload documents !!
EuropeAid 123 Sign in if you want to contribute –for that, it s necessary to request membership
EuropeAid 1 You can choose multiple categories
BLOG slide Here you can write a question/start a discussion 2
EuropeAid 2 Title of the blog post Write a comment I am a member of the group
EuropeAid You need to register if you would like to comment on the post
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The orientation chosen by Transport
EuropeAid The Transport Thematic Network 1/6 The official Transport Thematic Network will be hosted by a group on Cap4Dev This group is private (invisible to the public) and can be joined only on invitation. (invitations to all networks members will be sent starting from this week) Members can invite members but membership has to be approved by E7
EuropeAid Library Help
EuropeAid The Transport Thematic Network 3/6 All documents available on Circa have been reviewed, selected, classified and uploaded in the Cap4Dev library (categories and tags system) The blog is used to publish interesting articles from other sources and to start discussions, consultations… Upcoming events are published in the calendar. Supporting documents can be attached.
EuropeAid You can choose multiple categories. Only the document(s) matching all of them will be shown. Very long list of categories
EuropeAid The PUBLIC GROUP ON Transport This group is visible and accessible to the public. The blog is currently used to post interesting and relevant articles on transport The type of documents to be available in the library of this group is still under discussion (what is to be public or not?)
Conclusion Capacity4Dev is still work in progress. New features will be added soon, in order to improve the tool And remember: This is a collaborative site: articles, comments, participation, posts, ideas … are welcome!
EuropeAid Capacity4dev DEBATE : Useful for you ? How to use it ? How are you ready to contribute ? How to organise the facilitation/moderation ? Objective / Constraints