Amicus Point of Sale and Business Management System Amicus Retail
‘Multi-buy’ pricing options eg. Promotional prices. Designed to incorporate a range of peripheral devices, including Amicus PDA. Integrated EFTPOS compatibility. Multi-payment methods accepted for single sale. Intuitive sales process. Customisable touch screen interface. Individual operator logons provides performance monitoring and accountability. Multiple barcodes accepted for one product. Features in Brief
Comprehensive price rule options. The system expands easily to incorporate growth of your business. View all organisational information from one centralised location. Synchronisation of information across multiple sites. Create instant reports. Integration with wholesale suppliers such as ALM and TIR. Gift Voucher management. Features in Brief
Amicus Retail provides businesses with a fast, efficient and intuitive sales software. Amicus Retail provides users with an easy to use touch screen interface. This allows users to learn the system quickly and has a more natural feel.
Customer Order Controls Amicus Retail
The sales screen is also completely customisable, allowing you to alter the displayed options, product and number pad location, number of columns and move around all other items on the screen to suit your business. Amicus Retail Sales Screen The Amicus sales screen is intuitive, designed to increase user accuracy and efficiency through a simple yet effective layout and low clicks.
Amicus gives you the options to set-up special deals and offers on your products, such as buy one get one free, buy any two and receive 20% off, etc. This saves you from having to alter product information every time you want to have a promotion. ‘Multi- buy’ and Promotional Pricing
Completing A Sale Amicus Retail
From this screen the operator can finalise the sale by selecting one of the payment options, including the split payment option. The operator may also select to suspend the sale or apply a discount to the sale. Completing a Sale
Split Payment Amicus provides the flexibility to allow customers to pay using more than one method of payment. These methods include cash, cheque, card, gift voucher or to charge it to a customer account.
Suspended Sale Tap the sale to reopen the sale. Tap New Sale to start a new sale. If the sale has been suspend while in the processing stage Amicus will store the sale, when the sale screen is opened again, a list of suspended sales will be available.
Amicus enables your business to store detailed information on your customers, providing you with valuable data and increasing customer loyalty. Features include: Credit limits Access to previous customer purchases Offering customers a loyalty program. Customer Accounts
Balancing Register Amicus records all payments as entered by your staff during the course of a business day. Amicus has a single combined report for end of day processing. The Balance Till screen with calculated totals will be displayed.
Balancing Register The balance till screen also gives flexibility by allowing several general & retail specific options to be included or excluded from your report.
View a Balance 1.Press Sales -> Till Actions -> View Status of Tills... 2.Select the site & till, press refresh. 3.Select the balance receipt to view then press View. And the till balance dialogue will appear. The Amicus POS system allow you to accurately and conveniently review the balance of your tills on the run.
View a Balance cont. From the Till Balance dialogue, press view to display a summary and press print to printout the till report.
Amicus POS System Reports Amicus Retail
Period Sales Summary The Period Sales Summary report aims to give a brief summary of all sales broken down into types of sales & payments transactions. Note: This report contains figures for the one site only. All sites can be selected if requried.
Period Sales & Payments You can select the Default site - where the main office is located. All sites - includes all sites where sales have been processed. Other sites - any site linked to the main office. The Period Sales & Payments report displays sales & payments for stock purchased within a selected time frame on any given site. Each report gives you the option to select which site you wish to view.
Product Stock Levels The Product Stock Levels report displays stock levels and transfers since the last Stocktake period on a product by product basis. Note: This report contains figures for all sites.
Product Stock Sales The Product Stock Sales report shows sales activity on all stock transactions for a given set of products. Focusing at the stages from stock purchased, stock sold, stock adjusted & a comparison of net against gross transfers.
Sales by Staff The Sales by Staff report provides a period summary of all the items sold by a specific employee.
Product Significance The report includes such information as: Av. sell price Value of sales Total profit after tax Gross profit The Product Significance report provides detail information on individual products.
Amicus Point of Sale system and peripheral devices Amicus Hospitality
Printers and Customer Screens Amicus gives easy integration to strip printers, customer facing screens, scanners, and EFTPOS. The system can be set up in the way which suits your business and fail safe mechanisms put in place for continual transacting. All printed receipts conform to Local standards
Amicus PDA gives you comprehensive sales and business management functionality in the palm of your hand! There is now nowhere that work can't be done! Amicus PDA Check stock levels for a customer when they ask for it, rather than walking to a terminal. Create and process an order or stock receipt when on the road rather than waiting to get back to the office. Have multiple people working on one Stocktake, rather than individuals with pen and paper....and much!
Other Reports and Features Amicus Retail also includes a large variety of other reports and features. For more information on the reports or any other questions regarding Amicus POS please visit our website: And/or feel free to contact Neotechnology on: