Proposed Version 2: NSGIC Broadband Data Model
Why v2? Fix minor but significant issues Ease of use, including shapefile compatibility Address Service Overview reporting: –MSA, RSA, CMAs Feds desire for state-level feature identifiers
Why not stick with NOFA? All data requested has geographic element for validation and reporting Impact of NOFA Clarification on data model not explicitly provided Further standardization of state reporting likely to improve data aggregation efficiency NSGIC asked if there was a need and was encouraged to proceed
Service – Address Level
Service – Road Segment Level Note: If there are different City, StateAbbr, Zip5 and / or Zip4 values for different sides of the road segment, either value may be reported.
Service – Census Block Level Note: Census 2009 geography is encouraged, but blocks should be merged to remove Suffix ID. At this time, the more detailed information is not required, but may be added in future submittals.
Service – Community Anchor Institutions
Service – Wireless Service Areas Note: Since only one spectrum can be reported per polygon, providers that offer more than one type of service must have a polygon for each service. In some areas this will lead to overlapping polygons. By “service” is meant any unique combinations of TransTech and Spectrum
Service – Overview/Summary Areas (MSA, CoFIPS, or CMA) Note: Allows for reporting summary (overview) information by one of three different geographies. Guidance on which geography is preferred will be issued by the NTIA is desired.
Infrastructure – Last Mile Connection Point
Infrastructure – Middle Mile Connection Point
Customize! States are expected to come up with custom, expanded schema implementations for their own work flows This is just one possible foundation to build upon…but also as a potential submission vehicle Free XRay 4.1 tools allow ESRI geodatabase design/refinement in MS Excel
Resources currently at: (case sensitive URL) HTML Schema Summary Empty, Zipped 9.3 File Geodatabase.png Schema Summary This.ppt