Biopsychology: a field of psychology looking at biology, behaviors, and mental processes ◦ EX: how might a brain tumor on the left temporal lobe impact behavior and/or cognitive functioning Neuroscience: interdisciplinary study brain relationship to psychological processes ◦ Key difference: interdisciplinary (may involve computer science, chemists, linguists, anthropologists, etc
Pro’s and Con’s of this field of study based on the Violence Gene article
Genotype: the genetic blueprint of you; includes expressed and unexpressed genes Phenotype: only expressed genes ◦ EX: the violent gene may never evolve into a phenotype ◦ EX: you may be coded for freckles, but if you don’t go into the sun, you won’t develop them
DNA: deoxyribonucleic acid- molecules with all of your genetic markers Chromosomes: humans have 23 pairs. These contain your DNA and instructions (the when and how) for how genes should appear. Genes: parts of the chromosome that tell us our traits Our genes tell us the results of puberty (height, muscle development, deepening voices, etc) BUT our chromosomes tell our body when to start these changes- you don’t begin puberty at 4 unless you have a severe chromosomal defect!