Kerby Elementary 2014-2015 Mrs. Jennafer Valgoi Welcome to Fourth Grade! Kerby Elementary 2014-2015 Mrs. Jennafer Valgoi
Tonight’s Agenda 6:45 – 7:15 Gym with Mrs. Delgado 7:20 – 8:00 Homeroom with Mrs. Valgoi 8:00 – 8:15 Math with Mr. Pfeuffer
Michigan State University Education Background Michigan State University Bachelor of Arts in Elementary Education Teaching Major: Integrated Science (6-8) Masters in Education with a Literacy Concentration
Teaching Experience Kerby Elementary Pierce Middle School 4th Grade Teacher! 5th year teaching in GP Public Schools Student Council Co-Moderator Pierce Middle School 6th Grade Earth Science Teacher National Junior Honor Society Co-Moderator Michigan Green School Coordinator Relay for Life Team Captain Mentor as part of Positive Behavior Plan CICO
4th Grade Team Classroom Management Classroom Rules and Consequences Flip Chart Individual Behavior Management Students flip color cards for each warning given resulting in different consequences “Think it Through” Sheets Everyday students will write the “color day” they had in their planners Behavior Bingo! Whole Group Positive Reinforcement Walking in hallway, positive choices, following procedures Compliment Parties
FISH Philosophy Be There Play Make Their Day Choose Your Attitude School-wide character education program Series of experiences and lessons to encourage the following… Be There Play Make Their Day Choose Your Attitude
Homework Homework will vary… Check planners every night! Math homework just about every night Book Bingo project (or book review) monthly Reading at Home every night (20 minutes) documented in the Reading Log Spelling Test and Spelling Sentences due every Friday! Occasional Social Studies and Science projects, tests, and assignments
+ area of strength @ meets expectations x needs improvement Making the Grade ES Exceeds Standards: Consistently performs above grade level standards. Demonstrating mastery of the academic content at grade level and beyond. MS Meets Standards: Consistently and accurately demonstrates skills. Independently applies the knowledge, skills, and standards appropriate to their grade level. Shows evidence of mastery on multiple and varied assessments over time. AS Approaching Standards: Demonstrated skills inconsistently. Show progress, but is not at grade level standard yet. CA Concerns in the area: Needs considerable assistance and is performing significantly below standards. Struggles in this area; shows little or no progress. + area of strength @ meets expectations x needs improvement
Data Notebooks Coming soon…. What’s inside a data notebook? Goal Setting Sheets Graded Assessments Graphs to interpret results and track growth Parent communication Why use a data notebook? Empower students- hold students accountable for their learning Provide Feedback Helps students manage their learning- designed to allow students to see short-term gains, to help motivate towards long-term goals.
Activities for Fourth Graders Student Council Safety/Service Choir Enrichment activities at lunchtime Knitting Yoga Crafts
Field Trips GPN Planetarium: Lansing trip: October 16th Aligned with Science Astronomy unit (winter) Lansing trip: October 16th Capitol Building Michigan Historical Museum Henry Ford Museum: “If I Had A Hammer” program Late Spring
Communication Email is preferred Planners: should be signed/reviewed daily by parents. “3 Strikes, You’re In” Weekly Reports: Summary of past week and a look ahead to upcoming events/tests will be posted on my web page and sent home every Friday through email attachment unless otherwise notified. Conferences: November 12th and 13th and again March 25th & 26th Email is preferred
Remind101 Safe & Simple way to send reminders via text messaging All phone numbers are kept private Messaging is one-way only. Great for quick reminders!
Signing up for Reminders Text: (586) 200-1573 With this message: @MrsValg You may unsubscribe at any time
Also Located on Kerby website: Teacher Contact Info Also Located on Kerby website: Jennafer Valgoi Voicemail: 432-5479 Bill Pfeuffer Voicemail: 432-5250
Specials Schedule B Day: Library/ Spanish C Day: Music D Day: Art A Day: Gym B Day: Library/ Spanish C Day: Music D Day: Art 1:50p.m.- 2:35p.m.
Daily Schedule: Tues-Fri School begins 8:20 Morning Meeting 8:25-8:35 Writer’s Workshop 8:35-9:20 Math (with Pfeuffer) 9:25-10:15 Recess 10:20-10:40 Science 10:45-11:36 Recess/Lunch 11:36 -12:24 Reader’s Workshop 12:25-1:25 Planners/Math Boxes 1:25-1:50 Special 1:50-2:35 Social Studies 2:40-3:25 Pack up 3:25-3:30 School ends 3:38
Departmentalizing Ms. Walsh: Science Mr. Pfeuffer: Math
Fourth Grade Language Arts Reader’s Workshop Making Meaning I.D.R (Individualized Daily Reading) Book Bingo Read Alouds Writer’s Workshop Grammar/DOL Spelling GP Writing Informational Reading and Writing
Reader’s Workshop Begins each day with a mini-lesson focused on a specific reading strategy or text feature Followed by an Individualized Daily Reading Period of 25 minutes where students practice this strategy in their own reading During this time, I will be able to individually confer with students and evaluate their application of the skill Guided Reading Groups We will be reading leveled books to accompany the Making Meaning program based on each student’s reading level.
Advantages of Reader’s Workshop Key word… Differentiation! Students read at their own level Student choose their own books Allows teachers to understand and connect with our students as readers. Students are spending more time reading Increases vocabulary, fluency, and comprehension Creates independent reading habits Teachers have time to individually confer and meet with students and differentiate instruction based on students’ needs Students discover the JOY of reading!
Students will be reading at their own reading levels Leveled Reading Students will be reading at their own reading levels Studies have shown that the best way to become a better reader is by reading at your own level Classroom libraries across the district are organized according to F&P reading levels Students will be tested using the F&P Reading Assessment twice a year to measure progress If interested in finding the level of books at your home check out
Book Bingo Monthly book reports Project one month Written Report the next month Encourages students to experience different genres Choice of report activities Class Presentation Folder going home today First book bingo due on September 29th Students may use a book they have read over the summer for this one. Please treat this one as a practice!
Spelling New spelling lists weekly based on pre-test scores Tests and spelling sentences will be assessed or turned into homeroom teacher every Friday. Fourth Grade High Frequency Spelling Test Fall, Spring Spelling also emphasized and assessed in writing projects across all subject areas
Writer’s Workshop Taught through mini-lessons and writing conferences Main writing units in 4th Grade Personal Narratives Persuasive Essays Poetry Informational
As a Science Teacher I believe… Science should be inquiry based Lesson should be hands on whenever possible Students should be provided with numerous experiences in order to build better understandings Learners should be expected to form explanations and to communicate their ideas to others
Science Three Units Earth Materials Solar System Electricity and Magnets Foss is the science program we use No textbooks! Folders are best study tool Research based investigations and hands-on learning
Social Studies Social Studies Alive! By TCI Exploring the different regions of our country Studying our government and how a democracy works. Tie in current events & informational reading with Scholastic News. Students will have usernames and passwords to access the online textbook at home.
Health The Michigan Model for Comprehensive School Health Education Drugs and Alcohol Unit Safety Unit Adolescent Health in the Spring There will be a meeting to preview all videos and curriculum prior instruction, if desired. Puberty, Hygiene, Friendships Boys instruction- Mr. Pfeuffer & Mr. Masters Girls’ Instruction- Mrs. Valgoi & Ms. Zens Usually first week of June
Testing Schedule NWEA: September 11-18th for Reading and Math given in Winter and Spring as well State Assessment: Science, Reading, Math Given in the Spring Fountas & Pinnell Reading Assessment Fall and Spring Grosse Pointe Writing Assessment: May two practice tests in Fall and Winter
Volunteer Opportunities Lead a class party Sign up to be a lunch/recess volunteer Volunteer to pick up the bagels for our Friday bagel sales. Chaperone for a field trip Be a PTO Room Representative
Class Party Volunteers Please sign up if you would like to lead one of our class parties. 2 parents per party… Responsible for: Planning games and activities Organizing food donations Contacting parent volunteers
Closing Comments We are in need of Class Party helpers AND Bagel Pick up Volunteers. Please sign up before you leave. It was so nice meeting you all. I am look forward to another wonderful year here at Kerby!
Signing up for Reminders Text: (586) 200-1573 With this message: @MrsValg Handouts are available! You may unsubscribe at any time