Knowledge Management of European cooperation Programmes - some thoughts from a Member State Sabine Stölb Regions for Economic Change Brussels, 20th May.


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Presentation transcript:

Knowledge Management of European cooperation Programmes - some thoughts from a Member State Sabine Stölb Regions for Economic Change Brussels, 20th May 2010

Positioning European Territorial Cooperation in a national context Background is the usual horizontal/vertical pattern: Policies - local,national, european level, cross-sector Strategies - local,national, european level, cross-sector Instruments - local,national, european level, cross-sector Results, Impacts - local,national, european level, cross- sector ETC contribution: big money, high quality performance, convincing communication? 2

What we are doing… ETC in national strategic reference framework Links to national reform programme (Lisbon strategy) Piloting of a platform for European Programmes (database, seminars, communication) ESPON project « Metroborder » ( Cross-Border Polycentric Metropolitan Regions) Interreg IVB NWE/ESPON Project « TranSMEC » (Transnational Support Method for European Cooperation) Broschure about INTERREG projects… 3

Steering tankers in « unknown » waters or how to implement an European cooperation programme Can knowledge management help… to improve the effectivness and efficiency of ETC programmes in all phases (programming, implementation, monitoring, evaluation, communication)? SWOT studies analyses SWOT studies analyses SWOT studies analyses SWOT studies analyses SWOT studies analyses SWOT studies analyses 4

Fishing for partners or using the old net(work) Progressiv networking and cooperation is an important element on the way to a knowledge economy…but also an European added value while developping Europe´s regions… Current practices: –lets do it again –I know somebody, who knows somebody –dinner talks –we are a network, lets do a project Can knowledge-management help … to find the most appropriate partners for cooperation in Europe (to do the match - see policies, strategies)?? 5

Informed territorial cooperation across Europe – expectations from a small country … ECT knowledge management should help us… -to improve the performance and communication of ETC while implementing our national and European policies in a complex environment (governance, cross-sectoral…) -to draw on the experience and expertise around Europe (quality check) -to inspire Luxembourg stakeholders through innovative cooperation activities -to find the best partners to tackle the issues at stake -to stay on the map 6

Informed territorial cooperation across Europe – expectations from a small country … ECT knowledge management should not… -duplicate data collections and reportings (relation to programme activities, EC strategic report,…?) -be an isolated exercise of some overambitious people - be a homemade compromise soup, cooked by the INTERREG family, but a highly professional European tool 7

European territorial cooperation – not only a story telling for 1001 nights, but also a precision landing Agenda Biodiversité Natura 2000 EU 2020 Strategy Rapport stratégique national 2009 du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg 1er Plan daction en vue de la réduction des émissions de CO2 la stratégie de l'UE en faveur du développement durable Plan national pour l'innovation et le plein emploi Plan daction national pour la mobilité douce Régime d'aides pour les économies d'énergie FP7 FSE Intelligent Energy ETC etc. 8