Open Days 2010 D. Gubbels Professionalization within the range of volunteer work New challenges for volunteering organizations - Ehrenamt professionalisieren! Neue Herausforderungen für Vereine und Freiwilligenorganisationen
Open Days 2010 D. Gubbels THE GERMAN-SPEAKING COMMUNITY - LOCATION 854 km² inhabitants 9 municipalities official, school and court language: German
Open Days 2010 D. Gubbels THE GERMAN-SPEAKING COMMUNITY - COMPETENCIES Culture Family and Social Politics Education, Training and Employment Supervision of local authorities
Open Days 2010 D. Gubbels Volunteering in the European Union About 22% to 23% are engaged in voluntary work, but the differences between the countries are large From 10% to over 40% Belgium about 15% / Austria about 40% 30 bis 39 % in Germany and Luxemburg The highest levels of volunteering are among adults aged 30 to 50 years we have a high commitment in the rural area
Open Days 2010 D. Gubbels New challenges for Volunteering Many people, also young people are interested in volunteering activities, but The aspiration of the new generations of volunteers has completely changed!
Open Days 2010 D. Gubbels Aspirations of the new Generation of volunteers concrete projects with fast success more responsibility more transparency Participation in decisions No long-term obligation Projects, which corresponds to the life situation of (young) people Volunteer work must make fun!
Open Days 2010 D. Gubbels New challenges for Volunteering The main fact is -so called in the EU-study Volunteering in the EU, Feb. 2010: There is a mismatch between the needs of voluntary organisations and the aspirations of the new generations of volunteers Consequence: not the volunteers have to be changed but the volunteer organizations. That is a Management task for voluntary organisations!
Open Days 2010 D. Gubbels Freiwilligenmanagement / Volunteer Management - Training Volunteer Management Best-practice-example in the German-speaking-Community of Belgium
Open Days 2010 D. Gubbels Freiwilligenmanagement / Volunteer Management In cooperation with the Akademie für Ehrenamtlichkeit in Berlin the German- speaking community has development a training for Volunteer Management in voluntary organizations This training is a part of a government program to promote regional development in the German-speaking Community
Open Days 2010 D. Gubbels Aim of the training To train and to develop people, who are working on management-level in voluntary organizations. That could be professionals or volunteers
Open Days 2010 D. Gubbels Module 1 Planning of volunteering activities Volunteering – what means that exactly? What is the additional value for the organizations? What is the additional value for the volunteers? (Win-Win-Situation) What are the traditional aspect and the changes of volunteering works? What has volunteering to do by us? How to organize the cooperation between the professionals and the volunteers?
Open Days 2010 D. Gubbels Module 2 Engaging volunteers and integrate them in organizations How can I develop offers for volunteers? What strategies exist to engaging volunteers? What must I do to create an optimal setting for the first contact with volunteers and leading the first conversation?
Open Days 2010 D. Gubbels Module 2 Engaging volunteers and integrate them in organizations What should be the different contents of a contract between the organization and the volunteers? What does personal progress mean in voluntary organizations?
Open Days 2010 D. Gubbels Module 3 Personal progress for volunteers What to do to keep volunteers in my organisation? What to do to recognize volunteers in an appropriate way, to motivate them and to offer them a chance for personal development? What to do in case of conflicts? What is the adequate form to say goodbye?
Open Days 2010 D. Gubbels Special aspect: Supervision In small Supervision-groups the participants have the chance to touch upon personal matters The sessions take place between the modules
Open Days 2010 D. Gubbels Module 1 Planning of volunteering activities Supervision Overview – volunteer management Module 2 Engaging volunteers and integrate in organizations Module 3 Personal progress for volunteers in organizations Supervision
Open Days 2010 D. Gubbels Volunteering and Village Renewal What needs the village-groups for Rural Development? Training in Process-Management Training in Project-Management And Good ideas! - much courage! - much fun!
Open Days 2010 D. Gubbels Thanks Thank You for your attention!