1 Practical Guide to EU Funding for Research & Innovation EC/REGIO. D2/thematic coordination and innovation The Baltic Sea Strategy – Regions and Cohesion Policy in Action Mikel Landabaso Head of Unit
2 6.2 billion Erasmus Univ.Educ:Scholarships e-learning Programme: ICT in schools Leonardo vocational training 2.1 billion Environment: policy monitoring & development; Projects on: Air, Energy, Climate, Industry, Urban env., Soil, Waste, Water Rural Development Argi-business modernisation Struct. change Fisheries & Aquaculture 50 billion Multi-country research projects & joint actions (JTI, 169) Scholarships Policy coordination Capacity building 3.6 billion Multi-country Innovation networks Cluster, Monitoring Support services Policy development Financial instruments Practical Guide to EU Funding opportunities for R&I u-funding- guide/home_en.html Practical Guide to EU Funding opportunities for R&I u-funding- guide/home_en.html
3 A Practical Guide: Why & How? A Practical Guide: Why? Several EU funding sources / Different priorities, timings, rules Missed opportunities for synergies Need to inform researchers, entrepreneurs and their advisors A Practical guide: How? Framework for developing RTD-I projects ideas Description of EU instruments / funding options (FP7, CIP, SF) Checklist & Scorecard for identifying funding options Rules & examples for combining the different instruments Role of national and regional authorities Useful sources of advice & information
4 lChecklist for EU RTD-I funding: 6 questions èStep 1: Am I eligible for a given programme or funding source? èStep 2: Is my type of research, innovation or… activity eligible? èStep 3: What about my time frame? èStep 4: What type of financial support can I obtain? èStep 5: Who else is involved in the project? èStep 6: Can I apply for funding in my location? lScorecard: answers to the 6 questions (+/?/-) èThe scores indicate how the project could fit under FP7, CIP, SF èThis does not mean automatic eligibility for application / funding Checklist & Scorecard for funding
5 lDouble-financing for the same expenditure: NO! lCo-financing with national/ regional/ private sources = norm lMixed financing from EU programmes for the same project èPossible but unusual for CIP & FP èNot possible for SF, possible for EIB/EIF for nat/reg contribution lComplementary / consecutive financing: YES! èYes, at the same time for separate but complementary activities èYes, for consecutive but related projects can be funded lMulti-funding in the same network or cluster èWhen some activities are funded by FP7 & others by CIP or SF Mixing EU funding sources
6 lExploiting the potential for synergies lFostering co-ordinated access to the EU funds lEnsuring communication & information lUpdating a database of projects lPreventing financial irregularities Publicise & use the practical guide! Role of national/regional authorities
7 Example of combination of EU Funding: Potsdam-Golm Science Park (Germany) (Finalist RegioStars Award 2009) lERDF: 74 million ( ) for research infrastructure: è University of Potsdam è research institutes lRTD-Framework Programme (FP5) support for several joint research projects ( ) from University and research institutes
8 Multitel = R&D Centre active in voice and image processing lERDF / ESF: support to creation of new activities / R&D ideas èIn 1995, 2 labs (University of Mons) receive support for R&D èIn 1999, Multitel becomes a non-profit organisation èIn 2009, staff of about 80 persons; several spin-offs created lRTD-Framework Programme (FP5-6-7): support to R&D projects lCurrently: ERDF and FP support to Multitel and its spin-offs Example of combination of EU Funding: Multitel (Non-Profit Organisation, Mons, Belgium)
10 Sources of advice & information Visit the EU specific websites Practical Guide: FP7: CIP: SF: Managing Authorities for the operational programmes fm Contact the information centres in the MS EEN – Enterprise Europe Network: for FP7 and CIP NCP – National Contact points: for FP7; for CIP (energy & ICT) Managing Authorities / Interreg technical secretariats: for SF Thank you for your attention !