Strengthening Results-Based Management Capacities to Support National Development Project Status November 2013.


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Presentation transcript:

Strengthening Results-Based Management Capacities to Support National Development Project Status November 2013

Activities & outputs of RBM project Jan 2012 –Jul Jan 2012: RBM MSAD unit is established (currently: Project manager & researcher) 2.Feb 2012: CD4RBM Mission from New York UNDP office assisted the project from 31 st Jan to 9 th Feb Mission helped the RBM unit to amend and reformulate the Project work plan. 3.March 2012: the project team with the mission broadened the scope of the project from MSAD RBM project to National RBM project that covers the government entities. 2 /17

Activities & outputs of RBM project Jan 2012 –Jul March 2012: National Coordinating Mechanism (NCM) was formulated to harmonize the work among the main stakeholders of the RBM project. NCM includes seven national entities: MSAD, MOLD, MOIC, MOP, MOF, Institute of National Planning, and Information and Decision Support Centre (IDSC). 5.April 2012: series of NCM RBM meetings were conducted to coordinate and harmonize the work among the main stakeholders’ ministries and agencies, to articulate the national RBM framework, and to identify the top priority ministry (pilot ministry) that should integrate RBM system into its systems. 3 /17

Activities & outputs of RBM project Jan 2012 –Jul May 2012: Seven Management protocols among NCM entities have been drafted and are still in the process of being signed due to the continuous changes of Ministers and top decision makers. 7.May 2012: Widening the scope of NCM entities to integrate the parliamentarians to attend the RBM training program in order to elicit political support to the project. 8.May 2012: A national RBM expert was selected and contacted to conduct the RBM basic training. 4 /17

Activities & outputs of RBM project Jan 2012 –Jul June 2012: preparation of the first RBM workshop and which was initiated, but delayed because of the dissolving of the parliament. 10. July 2012: RBM team applied the RBM framework to the scope of the project including activities, specific indicators, targets, inputs, outputs, outcomes, and impacts. 11. July 2012: RBM team conducted a search of the potential community of practices (COP) that can participate effectively within RBM project. 5 /17

Activities & outputs of RBM project Jan 2012 –Jul August - September 2012: RBM team conducted a secondary research to highlight the countries experiences adopting RBM into their administrative system (such as Afghanistan, Malaysia, Canada, Colombia, Sri Lanka, Chile, AFD (Agence Francaise de Development), IFAD, and Brazil Cear). This research involved studying the application of RBM within those entities and identifying the challenges, the lessons learned and the mechanisms with which RBM was implemented /17

Activities & outputs of RBM project Jan 2012 –Jul Sep 2012: Widening the scope of NCM entities to integrate the Social Development Fund representatives in order to attend the RBM basic program. 14. Sep 2012: The African Community of Practice is selected to be the potential COP partner of the project after opening the channels of communications with other COPs such as: the European Structural Funds Community of Practice and the Asia Pacific Community of Practice. 7 /17

Activities & outputs of RBM project Jan 2012 –Apr Oct 2012: Reformulation of NCM team to include seven national entities: MSAD, CAOA, Egyptian Cabinet, MOLD, MOP, MOF, and the Social Fund for Development. 16. Nov 2012: Preparation of the first RBM workshop with the national expert including logistics and contracting. 17. Dec 2012: RBM basic workshop conducted during 19, 20, 23, 24 Dec 2012 giving an output of 25 national officials trained on basic concepts and tools of RBM. 18. Jan 2013: Conducting a workshop about the National RBM framework components by the New York UNDP experts during Jan This RBM training focused on the requirements of capacity building to initiate the design of the RBM national framework 8 /17

Activities & outputs of RBM project Jan 2012 –Jul February 2013: Open communication channels and conduct meeting with RABIT database’s officials (under the scope of MOLD) in order to benefit from this data and indicators in the project’s management information system activity. 20.March 2013: Preparation of first RBM study tour after screening the peer countries RBM experiences. Accordingly the secondary research process recommended Malaysia to host the Egyptian RBM team in order to benefit from their expertise in RBM experiences and the similar circumstances of their country. 21.March 2013: Conduct the third RBM workshop for the NCM members on the 28 th of March in order to reformulate the government’s strategic objectives and to design the strategic results framework. 9 /17

Activities & outputs of RBM project Jan 2012 –Jul Apr 2013: Draft the national RBM framework consultant’s TOR in order to initiate the process of designing the national RBM framework for Egypt GOV. 23.May 2013: Initiate the dissemination of the RBM culture to MSAD IDP employees through conducting two internal workshops with the aim of designing RBM strategic results framework for IDP by the end of April. 24.June 2013: Working with NCM on refining the third RBM workshop’s outputs in order to present it to the Prime Minister. 10 /17

RBM Main Project Activities 11 /17 ActivityMain Activity A Formulate MSAD RBM Team to strength the capacity of MSAD’s internal RBM capacity and establish National Coordinating Mechanism. B Articulate policies, procedures, manuals and templates to implement and guide results based management in governmental entities. (partially) C Key public officials and staff have the required knowledge and skills to effectively implement results management in the Government sector. (partially) DEstablish results management information in key Government entities. E Execute change management and communications to guide implementation of RBM in Government and inform the General Public by these efforts. FDesign Results Mechanisms and Frameworks and implement it the selected Government entities. G Harmonised processes and procedures between government and development partners regards results planning, monitoring and reporting in the areas of cooperation. H Design options and processes for continuous improvement and expansion of RBM especially regards fostering public participation and ensure institutional accountability to GoE.

Project’s Risks & Issues  Frequent changes in Governments and related changes of top leaders in the partners’ ministries.  High risk to continue working on the “National RBM Framework” during a transition period with a focus on short term results rather than strategic long term results and impacts.  An integrated approach to RBM to be fully implemented on the national level during this period would put the project at high risk and will cost another year without concrete achievements. 12/17

Project’s Risks & Issues (cont’d)  Review of AWP and allocated budget to focus on RBM institutionalization in MSAD as a first phase of the project after a long political and administrative unrest.  High turnover of the RBM unit staff, two researchers left because of the frequent changes and instability of the government  Recruitment of two new researchers by mid December /17

RBM Project Main Activities for MSAD- Oct 2013 – August /17 ActivityMain Activity AMSAD Strategic Results Framework B RBM Functional Clarity at MSAD to streamline/improve RBM processes. C Staff Capacity Development in RBM to ensure that MSAD staff at all relevant levels have the capacity to apply RBM in their day to day functions D Align Human Resources and RBM to provide incentives and ensure accountability for using RBM E Create a unit to perform Quality Assurance; Support MSAD staff in the application of RBM to the planning, monitoring and reporting stages

Next steps for RBM project during Aug 2013 – Dec August 2013: Support the dissemination of RBM culture within MSAD through presenting the IDP RBM framework to MSAD employees. 2.September 2013: Draft and finalize the CD4RBM plan to institutionalize RBM within MSAD. 3.October 2013: Draft TOR to contract an International and National RBM experts to design MSAD RBM Framework. Contracting is expected by the beginning of Dec /17

Next steps for RBM project during Aug 2013 – Dec 2014 (cont’d) 4.November 2013: MSAD Minister issues a decree to formulate “MSAD RBM Committee” including the top and middle management leaders in MSAD. 5.December 2013: A one day workshop will be held to all MSAD staff to increase their awareness about the project and convey preliminary knowledge about RBM and their roles. 16/17

Thank you