CHLOROFORM (CHCL3) By Daniel McNeeley
Physical Properties Colorless liquid that is not very soluble in water. Pleasant odor. The chemical is inhaled and poisons the body.
Sources Original purpose was an anesthetic It is used as a chemical in pesticides May be released in the chlorination of water Thought to be no natural sources
Damages and Effects It is dangerous to humans at 50 ppb In high concentrations, chloroform can contribute to ambient ozone. It has a long lifetime in the atmosphere, and can be transported long distances.
Health Hazards Central Nervous System depression Higher doses cause cardiovascular depression. Liver necrosis If found in drinking water and consumed, may cause rectal or bladder cancer.
Citations "Chloroform." Scottish Environmental Protection Agency. Web. 14 Mar "Occupational Safety and Health Guideline for Chloroform." Occupational Safety and Health Administration. Web. 14 Mar "Chloroform." EPA. Environmental Protection Agency. Web. 14 Mar