S.FEINDTTEN-Telecom Call for Proposals 2001/1 How to give your proposal greater chances to succeed Sylvie FEINDT
S.FEINDTTEN-Telecom Call for Proposals 2001/1 Give it some thought! What type of project is most suitable for me? Am I eligible for TEN funding? Do I have a business case? Do I have the right partners? Do the partner have clear role within the project phase and the overall project?
S.FEINDTTEN-Telecom Call for Proposals 2001/1 Eligibility criteria for TEN Telecom projects: Trans-European scope Common interest (an supported by member states) Meet financial obstacles Comply with community law Market validation projects (technical maturity was important while allowing innovation) The total Community aid shall not exceed 10% of the total investment cost.
S.FEINDTTEN-Telecom Call for Proposals 2001/1 Evaluation criteria: overall project Contribution to the Programme Is the project in line with the the programme and its eligibility criteria? Long-term viability Is there a promising business case? Are potential revenue streams identified? Trans-European partnership Is there a trans-European partnership that aims at common deployment? Do all partners have a role in the deployment?
S.FEINDTTEN-Telecom Call for Proposals 2001/1 Socio-economic impact Credible evidence on the benefits of your product Technical approach Technical research is not to be performed within the framework of the TEN project? Is there at least a mature prototype? Give some evidence. Interoperability Provide evidence that this issue is tackled.
S.FEINDTTEN-Telecom Call for Proposals 2001/1 Evaluation criteria: project phase Effect of the Community intervention Is there a financial barrier? Adequacy of the project work plan Does the work plan coincides with the goals of the project? Soundness of the financial package Project management The proposal must be coherent in its two parts!
S.FEINDTTEN-Telecom Call for Proposals 2001/1 Final remarks Take a clear decision on the type of project you are aiming at Think about your business case Think about your partners and their roles within the project and the deployment Give evidence of the maturity and innovativeness of your technology Be brief and clear Avoid annexes