Intel Teach Program Getting started Course Third workshop Day 2 Saturday 9 th April 2011 By Mr. Abdul Ghaffar Abbasi & Ms. Rabia Siddiqui
OBJECTIVES OF THE DAY By the end of day we people will be able to: use spreadsheet software. explore spreadsheet software. discuss spreadsheet software. identify spreadsheet software. create spreadsheet software.
Explore spreadsheet software. Spreadsheet Software can help you solve mathematics problems –specially complicated problems about money and other quantities. One helpful feature of spreadsheets is that it can automatically calculate new answers if you change any numbers used in the calculation. Spreadsheet software can also be used to make chart and graphs.
Practice Activity Time 15 min Page number 120 of module 8. Five steps are given,you have to follow them. Its individual activity
Identify Spreadsheet Software Nine group skills 1. Getting to know spreadsheet 2. Selecting cells, rows, and Columns 3. Using worksheet 4. Adding and working with information 5. Changing the look of information 6. Organizing information 7. Doing Maths. 8. Making chart. 9. Printing worksheet
Create Spreadsheet Software Activity : Grade Book. Activity : Classroom inventory Activity : pictograph Activity : roll book
Home Take Exercise SEATING CHART page #135
DAY 2 END Thanks One Who Acquires Vision Becomes "WISE", & One Who Attains Wisdom Achieves "KNOWLEDGE"..!!