ODADAS/DMH Consolidation: State and Local Relationship Items Meeting #1 August 13, 2012
Agenda 1)Purpose of state/local relationship work a)Budget framework – begins today b)ORC revisions – begins Friday 2)Logistics 3)Discuss program series (into which budget line items will be grouped) 4)Initial input regarding line item organization 5)Identify challenge issues to resolve 6)Agenda for next week’s discussion 7)Overview of ORC revisions work stream
Purpose This system is – and will be – jointly administered by state and ADAMH boards Work Stream #1: budget framework Work Stream #2: ORC revisions – Technical changes related to consolidation – Specific items related to improvements – Additional info at the end of this slide deck; first meeting will be 8/17
Budget Framework Define the basic line item strategy of the new agency General Revenue Fund line items Federal State Special Revenue Identify strategies to resolve current structural challenges (to the extent possible) Develop transition plans when needed Purpose is NOT to identify specific funding recommendation amounts
Budget Framework, 2 We will provide some basic education to create a shared point of departure for discussions We will seek input on topics and then return with draft scenarios for further discussion Timeline: Agency budget requests for FYs 14/15 due to OBM by October 1, 2012 Public will be aware of line item approach but will NOT receive information regarding the requested amounts in each line until Gov. budget introduced
Budget Framework Meetings Monday 8/13, 10 AM – 1PM Thursday 8/23, 1 PM – 4 PM Tuesday, 8/28, 9AM – 12 PM Week of September 3 rd : TBA Wednesday, 9/19, 1 PM – 3 PM: Behavioral Health Leadership Group will include summary of various consolidation teams’ deliverables to date
Logistics Your input is important Time frame Opportunities for involvement Administration is ultimately accountable to make decisions (i.e., no votes taken at these meetings to reach decisions) Also: Board Assn. is conducting regional forums and will share that input as available
Creating Program Series: A Key Piece of Budget Framework Holly Jones - presentation What is a program series? Overview of the current ODADAS and DMH program series Initial draft approach for new agency Questions and discussion
FY Biennium Budget Planning Goal – Consolidate DMH & ADA into new – One single department Approach – – Review Departments existing (FY 13) Funding structure – look for obvious areas to merge – Seek input from internal staff and external stakeholders
Program Series Explained: From OBM Budget Guidance document for FY 14-15: The underlying organizational structure for the budget request is the description of an agency by program. A program series corresponds with a major area of focus for an agency and is made up of one or more programs, each of which has a narrower, more targeted focus on a specific aspect of the agency’s operations. This structure allows for a more comprehensive budget request by clearly showing what is supported by each program. Agencies will use Program Budget Requests to convey the request for appropriations within the limitations detailed in the Guidance document.
Program Series (Categories)
FY 13 Programs that would fall into Community & Recovery Services
FY 13 Programs that would fall into Prevention Services
FY 13 Programs that would fall into Program Management
Appropriation Line Items ALIs are specific to fund sources, i.e., authorization to spend from only one fund ALIs provide spending authority for general or specific purposes as outlined in the budget bill – May be linked to ORC or OAC – May include earmarks or other caveats The spending authority can be used only if sufficient cash is available, and vice versa
Appropriation Line Items, 2 We will organize this discussion by fund group For GRF, should we have: – A combined subsidy line for both AOD and MH? – Specific, separate ALIs for AOD and MH services? – A combination of both? For GRF, should we have: – General/broad expectations for use? – Line items for specific initiatives (e.g. opiates, kids services)?
Appropriation Line Items, 3 Budget is our key tool to explain the system and our priorities – Legislators, advocates, board members must be able to clearly understand it We want to be able to use this budget framework to effectively advocate for our system in future years Discussion
Identify Challenge Issues Block Grant & long term sustainability Subsidy as comparable among communities Other? Discussion
Next Agenda: Thursday 8/23, 1 PM – 4 PM Review updates to program series Review potential line item construction Begin to discuss challenges – specify detail here as we close this first meeting Begin to discuss transition plans (as applicable) Other?
ORC Revisions – Meetings Begin 8/17 Review & recommendations will transcend all applicable ORC chapters Primary focus on technical changes that directly support the consolidation Potential focus on items of minimal controversy that improve the system Draft code lists will be developed by ODADAS and DMH for discussion & modification
ORC Revisions, 2 We will place in parking lot those items which are not directly related to consolidation and which generate significant controversy Rationale: we have limited time to prepare this plan, and we must keep primary focus on FY 14/15 budget We will identify a logical time to address items in parking lot (accountability)
ORC Revision Meetings Friday 8/17, 1 PM – 3 PM Wednesday 8/22, 9 AM – 11 AM Monday, 8/27, 1 PM – 3 PM Week of September 3 rd : TBA Wednesday, 9/19, 1 PM – 3 PM: Behavioral Health Leadership Group will include summary of various consolidation teams’ deliverables to date