International scientific co-operation in FP6 February 2004 L. Bellemin, J. Claude DG RTD N1 International Scientific Co-operation
Contents è A European Research Area open to the world Strategic objectives Strategic objectives è International scientific co-operation in the Sixth Framework Programme è Three major routes for international scientific co- operation in FP6 Specific measures in support of international Opening of Focusing and Integrating Community Research to third country organizations (I) co-operation (II) International mobility of researchers (III) è Participation of INCO Countries in the Thematic Priorities in 2003 è How can Third Countries participate in FP6
A European Research Area open to the world The European Research Area must be opened up to the rest of the world. This will enable EU countries, and third countries, to benefit from international cooperation in Science & Technology, thereby paving the way for closer political and economic relations. è (P. Busquin, Commissioner for Research) è The strategic objectives of a European Research Area open to the world are laid down in Commission communication The international dimension of the European Research Area (COM(2001) 346 final).
Strategic objectives Make the Area more attractive to the best scientists and make it a world class reference centre Enable European researchers and industrialists to access knowledge and technology available elsewhere in the world Develop scientific and technological activities useful to the implementation of EU foreign and development aid policy Enlist the S&T resources of the European Union and of third countries in initiatives that provide a response to significant world problems of concern to the Community u Communication of the Commission, The international dimension of the European Research Area COM(2001), 346 fin
International scientific co-operation in the Sixth Framework Programme u International Co-operation represents an important dimension of Sixth Framework Programme u It contributes to a European Research Area open to the world u It will be implemented through three major complementary routes
Three major routes for international scientific co-operation in FP6 è Opening of Focusing and Integrating Community Research to third country organizations (with substantial funding) è Specific measures in support of international co- operation è International mobility of researchers è Over and above these three major routes, the international dimension is a cross-cutting issue which concerns the whole Framework programme
Opening of Focusing and Integrating Community Research to third country organizations (I) è Participation to Community activities u participation of researchers, teams and institutions from third countries in projects within the Priority Thematic Areas of Research, Specific activities covering a wider field of research è Budget of 285 million Euro for third country participation
Opening of Focusing and Integrating Community Research to third country organizations è Strategic objectives : u To help European researchers, businesses and research organisations in the European Union and in the countries associated with the Framework programme to have access to knowledge and expertise existing elsewhere in the world u To help ensure Europes strong and coherent participation in research initiatives related to issues arising at the world level and being the subject of international or global efforts è Overall focus u Community interest
Specific measures in support of international co-operation (II) è Dedicated international cooperation activities which are relevant to some groups of countries or regions with own calls for proposals è Budget: 315 million Euro è Strategic objective u To lend support, in the scientific and technological field, to the implementation of the Communitys foreign policy and development aid policy è Overall focus u mutual interest
Specific measures in support of international co-operation è These activities will be carried out: u To complement the activities in the thematic priorities u By means of specific targeted research projects of a limited scale, actions to coordinate national efforts and, specific support measures u Problem oriented approach on a regional basis, policy dialogue and prioritization u Research priorities defined on the basis of the interests and objectives of the Communitys political partnership with the different groups of countries the particular economic and social needs of countries and regions concerned
International mobility of researchers (III) u A coherent set of actions to support international mobility of researchers in the framework of the specific programme Structuring the ERA. u With a view to further reinforcing the human potential for European research, these actions will aim to attract the best and most promising researchers from third countries promote the training of European researchers abroad è Two main types of grants: u incoming fellowships with possibility for return ticket u outgoing fellowships
International mobility of researchers è Incoming fellowships with possibility for return ticket u to work and undertake research training in Europe u provision to assist fellows to return to their countries of origin in case of emerging and transition economies and developing countries è Outgoing fellowships u to be awarded to research workers from EU and Associated Countries to work in established third country research centres u requires submission of a coherent individual training programme involving a first phase abroad followed by mandatory second phase in Europe
Participation of INCO countries in the Thematic Priorities in 2003 Preliminary analysis of the database on submitted proposals in the first half of 2003 Analysis of the standard reports on evaluation results in the Thematic Priorities Qualitative information Quantitative information on: è number of participants by country/region è financial contributions requested è
Global Results Total number of participants in evaluated proposals: in ranked proposals: Number of INCO target countries participants in evaluated proposals:1 371 (1.93 %) in ranked proposals: 205 (1.52 %) Financial contribution requested in ranked proposals Total contribution requested: M Part of INCO participants: M(0.3 %)
Conclusions u Negative u Low interest from EU proposers in associating 3rd countries participants in their proposals u Lack of information and awareness on both sides on the new opportunities of International Cooperation u Success rate and financial contribution are much lower for INCO countries u Based on 2003 experience, spending of the pro rata allocation would be only 6.3 % of the 285 M u Positive u Higher participation in Thematic Priorities of interest for INCO target regions u Association of valuable partners when thematic and country/regional potential are fitted u Consistency of the international dimension of ERA
How can Third Countries participate in FP6 u Who can participate? u All third countries: in addition to minimal number of participants from Member States and Associated countries u Who can be funded? u All third countries u INCO target countries (developing countries, Mediterranean partner countries, Western Balkan countries, Russia and the other NIS): within the allocation earmarked in the budget (285 million Euros) u Other third countries: if provision is made in work programme or if necessary to carry out the RTD activity
Definition of third countries Third country means a State that is neither a Member State nor a State associated to the Framework programme è associated candidate countries : è Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Turkey, è other associated States: è Iceland, Norway, Liechtenstein, Israel, Switzerland (1) è (1) provisional application as of
Different Groups of third countries è INCO Countries (annex C of SP1 WP) u DEV : 114 countries, ACP (79), ASIA (18), LA (17) u MED: 8 (+ 4 AS) u Russia and NIS: 12 u WBC: 5 è Countries WITH S&T Agreement : Australia, Canada, Japan, USA…. è Countries WITHOUT S&T Agreement
Participation of the Third Countries in the 6th FP: Regulation N°2321/2002 Art. 6, 1-2 è Any legal entity established in a third country may participate in RTD activities provided for Focusing and Integrating Community Research u Detailed provisions for this participation may be set out in the relevant Work Programme è Any legal entity established in a third country and taking part in the RTD activities (SP1) may receive a Community financial contribution if u Provision is made for this purpose under an RTD activity (in the Work Programme), or u If it is essential for carrying out the indirect action
Focusing and Integrating (EC) Specific Programme 1 – Part 1
Participation of the Third Countries in the 6th FP: Regulation N°2321/2002 Art. 6, 1-2 è Any legal entity established in a third country which has concluded a S&T cooperation agreement with the Community may participate in RTD activities other than SP1…. u Over and above the minimum number of participants u In accordance with the conditions stipulated in that Agreement è It may receive a Community financial contribution u If provision is made for this under an RTD activity u Or if it is essential for carrying out the indirect action
Structuring ( Specific Programme 2, EC ) Strengthening ( Specific Programme 1 – part 2, EC )
Number of Participants Instruments u NoE u IP u STREP, CA u SSA u Marie Curie 3 legal entities from 3 different MS or AS, with at least 2 MS or ACC + Third countries 1 legal entity Individual researchers
Further information èGèGeneral information on research: èGèGeneral information on the Sixth Framework Programme : èIèINCO infodesk and infopoint: èIèInternational Scientific Cooperation Policy: èIèInformation requests: Information on research programmes and projects :