Priority Substances from UWWTPs Austrian Case study 1 Kopenhagen
„Starting point“ 2 WFD Annex II 1.4: Collection and maintainance of information about significant anthropogenic pressures Austrian Water Act,§ 59a: Electronic register of pressures and impacts Austrian ordinance for emissions register - surface water bodies (EMREG-OW) Water quality ordinace - Surface water – Chemistry (72 Substances and groups of substances)
UWWTPs in Austria: 3 size classes (p.e.) number of UWWTPs Capacity (p.e.) >
Project: Emissions of organic and anorganic substances from UWWTPs 4 Investigation of > 100 single substances in UWWTPs Categorisation and selection of UWWTPs 2 – Stepp approach for defining the „significant substances“ for the Austrian Emission Register (EMREG-OW) Fate of selected substances in UWWTPs ( Balance)
Priority Substances 13 priority hazardous substances 20 priority substances AnthracenAlachlor Bromierte Diphenylether (PBDE)Atrazin Cadmium und CadmiumverbindungenBenzol C10-13-ChloralkaneChlorfenvinphos EndosulfanChlorpyrifos Hexachlorbenzol1,2-Dichlorethan HexachlorbutadienDichlormethan HexachlorcyclohexanDi(2-ethylhexyl)phthalat (DEHP) Quecksilber und QuecksilberverbindungenDiuron Nonylphenole (4-Nonylphenol)Fluoranthen PentachlorbenzolIsoproturon Polyzyklische aromatische KohlenwasserstoffeBlei und Bleiverbindungen Benzo(a)pyrenNaphtalin Benzo(b)fluoranthenNickel und Nickelverbindungen Benzo(k)fluoranthenOctylphenol Benzo(g,h,i)perylenPentachlorophenol Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrenSimazin Tributylzinnverbindungen (Tributylzinn-Kation)Trichlorobenzole Trichlormethan (Chloroform) Trifluralin priority hazardous substance cessation or phasing out of discharges, emissions and losses priority substances Reduction of discharges, emission and losses of substances 5
Aldrin*2,5-DichlorphenolPentachlornitrobenzol Ammonium1,3—Dichlor-2-propanolPhosalon AOXEthylendiamintetraessigsäure EDTASebuthylazin BenzidinEndrin*Tetrachlorethen* BenzylchloridEthylbenzolTetrachlormethan* Bisphenol-AFluoridTrichlorethen* ChlordanHeptachlorTrichlorfon ChloressigsäureIsodrin*Xylole CyanidIsopropylbenzolArsen p,p‘-DDT*Lineare Alkylbenzolsulfonate LASChrom DDT*MevinphosKupfer DibutylzinnverbindungenNitritSelen Dieldrin*Nitrilotriessigsäure NTASilber 1,2-DichlorethenOmethoatZink 2,4-Dichlorphenol * Gemeinschaftsrechtlich geregelt 43 national and EU regulated substances and groups of substances Priority and other substances/group of substances > 100 single substances Other Substances 6
7 UWWTPS Categorisation and –selction Indirect dischargers ( 75%) Capacity (≤ 5000 p.e.; 5000 – p.e.; > p.e.) Sampling and chemical analytic of influent and effluent of the UWWTPs Literature study Significance criteria for identifying remaining substances for Modul 2 Maximum of the 15 effluent values is >EQS/2 Modul 1 15 UWWTPs (35 % of installed capacity)
Indentification of substances in Modul 1 and basis for further investigation under Modul 2 8 Results Modul 1
Modul 2 9 UWWTP effluents analysed 5 times in 2-month step Balance of 2 UWWTPs over 10 days (Influent, Effluent, sewage sludge) Additional analyses of pesticides Evaluation of the results Relevance criteria 1) Mean concentration of all effluent data from Modul 1 and 2 above EQS/2 2) Mean effluent concentration of at least of one UWWTP of Modul 2 greater then the EQS 9 UWWTPs (~30 % of installed capacity)
Results Modul 2 Priority Substances o Relevance criteria 1): Mean concentraion of all effluent values > EQS/2 PBDE, Cadmium, Nonylphenole and TBT comp. 10
o Relevance criteria 2): Mean concentration of one UWWTP > EQS PBDE, Nonylphenole, Diuron and TBT comp. 11 Results Modul 2 Priority Substances
o Relevance criteria 1): Mean conentration of all effluent values > EQS/2 AOX, EDTA, NTA, (Trichlorfon), Copper, Selen und Zinc 12 Results Modul 2 other substances
o Relevance criteria 2): Mean concentration of one UWWTP > EQS AOX, EDTA, NTA und Selen Results Modul 2 other substances 13
o Relevance criteria 2): Mean concentration of one UWWTP > EQS Copper and Zinc Ergebnisse M2 Sonstige Stoffe 14
Relevant substances from UWWTPs 15 Priority SubstancesOther substances Polybromierte DiphenyletherAOX CadmiumEDTA DiuronNTA NonylphenoleCopper Tributyltin comp.Selen Zinc Summary EMREG-OW relevant PS
16 summary 33/43 priority and other substances and groups of substances (> 100 single substances) 8/8 after Modul 1 AOX EDTA NTA Copper Selen Zinc Cadmium Diuron Nonylphenole Tributyltin comp. (PBDE) 4(5)/6 afterModul 2 EMREG-OW relevant
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