1 Beyond building the knowledge base Prague 7-8 May 2009 Science in Society within the EU FP7 and ERA European Commission, DG Research Dir.Science, Economy and Society Head of Unit, Scientific Culture and Gender Issues Luisa Prista
2 Science in Society Objective open effective and democratic European KB Society … open effective and democratic European KB Society to stimulate the harmonious integration of scientific and technological endeavour and associated research policies in the European social web, by encouraging reflection debate on S&T and their relationship with the whole spectrum of society and culture
3 Cooperation mio 32,365 Cooperation mio 32,365 Ideas mio 7460 Ideas mio 7460 People mio 4728 People mio 4728 Capacities mio 4217 Capacities 7th Framework Programme Infrastructures mio 1700 SME mio 1336 Regions mio 126 Potential mio 370 Science in Society mio 330 International mio 185
4 Science in Society Background lGlobal context lGlobal context: Lisbon, ERA vision and governance, political priorities of the EU-> need match research policy orientation and needs of the society-> need for dialogue between scientific communities and citizens, for mobilization and engagement lBuilt on lBuilt on: FP6 foundations, extended and expanded to new themes and shaping towards new directions. In consultation with Member States, advise and support of, Advisory group, ERAB, open consultations, surveys etc lApproach lApproach: …ERA is firmly rooted in society and responsive to societys needs è A more inclusive and coherent approach è Mobilising all key actors on SiS research themes è Aligning with other themes and EU policies
5 More dynamic GOVERNANCE of the science and society relationship More dynamic GOVERNANCE of the science and society relationship Strengthening POTENTIAL broadening HORIZONS Strengthening POTENTIAL broadening HORIZONS Science and Society COMMUNICATE Science and Society COMMUNICATE 3 action lines: Place of S&T in society Societys engagement on science issues Science system, professional codes, expertise Role of the universities Gender and researchYoung people and science education Two-way communication of science and the public, and role of the media Science in Society Work programme Place of Science system, professional codes, expertise
6 Science in Society Where do we stand? lOverall Budget è 2007: 29,9 million (21,8 for the call for proposals) è 2008 : 41 million (29,9 for the calls for proposals) è 2009: 34,5 million (31,8 for the call for proposals) è A total of 63 projects and 15 under negotiation l…Orientation for 2010 and beyond è Ensuring a strong SiS dimension in ERA è towards more focused and structured actions, with greater EU added value, wider impact and wider range of key actors
7 Science in Society More information lRelevant websites: è SINAPSE è SCIENCE IN SOCIETY PORTAL society/home_en.cfm è FORUM society/page_en.cfm?id=3173 è SCIENCE AND SOCIETY in FP7 – CORDIS WEBSITE è UNIVERSITIES hhtp.//ec.europa.eu/eracareers/index_en.cfm è Find previous projects and partners – useful for locating prospective partners è society/index.cfm?fuseaction=public.topic&id=66 è EVALUATORS, please (re)-register at:
8 lConference lPrague May 2009 lChanging the research Landscapes lStock-taking of 10 years activities on women in science lComparison with third countries experiences lDefinition of steps forwards Next Week Women in Science
9 Participate to SiS Thank you for the attention!