Moderation Beginners Computers and Intro to iPad
Your moderation experiences
Moderation of Pre-accredited Delivery What is moderation? Why undertake moderation?
Moderation of Pre-accredited Delivery 1.Teachers and/or program planners, presenting, analysing, discussing and documenting adjustments to the content and delivery of their pre accredited programs. 2.Unlike moderation of accredited courses, pre accredited moderation evaluates the program content and delivery not the design and use of assessment tools. 3.Moderation is a collaborative, peer appraisal process that promotes a shared understanding of what constitutes quality program design, delivery and outcomes for learners.
Benefits of Moderation Simple Complements existing practice and resources (A-frame) Professional development for practitioners Links to verification process Continuous improvement tool Caters for different programs and learner groups Embeds peer support Face to face or online application Can be incorporated into induction and other planning activities
Let’s revisit employability skills CommunicationTeamwork Problem solving Initiative and enterprise Planning and organising Self management LearningTechnology Review
Employability skills Employability skill May include… CommunicationReading; writing; speaking; listening and clarifying; numeracy; negotiating. TeamworkWorking with diverse team members; practising inclusivity; supporting others; working in groups. Problem solvingAnticipating problems; developing solutions; using mathematics to solve problems; evaluating results and making recommendations. Initiative and Adapting to change; translating enterpriseideas into actions; assessing risk; developing creative solutions and long term vision.
Employability skills (cont) Employability skill May include… Planning and Managing priorities; meeting organisingtimelines; monitoring progress; setting goals; employing strategies to monitor achievement; planning pathways. Self managementSetting personal goals; evaluating own progress; completing delegated tasks; prioritising; taking personal responsibility. LearningManaging own learning; identifying own learning style and strengths; accessing mentor/networks; contributing to the learning environment. TechnologyApplying technology to access and manage information; inc computers, the internet, s; selecting appropriate software; using office equipment.
Moderation: A Four Step Process STEP 1: PREPARE Learn Local Organisation Decide on what programs require moderation Arrange venue, date, time and confirm with relevant practitioners Practitioner (assisted by admin ) Collect Course Plan and Session Planner Collect feedback and evaluation Collect samples of learner work or other evidence of outcomes
STEP 2: RECORD Practitioner and peers Use the Moderation Guide and Moderation Tool to review the delivery and assessment of the course in line with employability skills and the Quality Indicators Complete the Moderation Summary including continuous improvement recommendations Practitioners and peers sign off on moderation activity using the Moderation Summary form
STEP 3: ACT Practitioner Share the results peers and management Learn Local Organisation Agree and document an action plan with the practitioner using page 2 of the Moderation Summary form Follow through with action plan documenting progress Provide evidence of moderation to ACFE when requested
When can moderation take place? InternalExternal When planning a new course Mapping the WHAT to teach and HOW to deliver to employability skills based on the learner cohort Peer input Implementing new learner pathways During mid course review Feedback from learners Feedback from teachers and other key staff Post course evaluation Feedback from learners Feedback from teachers and other key staff Feedback from other stakeholders
4 Moderation tools – A,B,C,D A:Moderation ChecklistModeration Checklist B:The Moderation ToolThe Moderation Tool C:Moderation SummaryModeration Summary D:Verification SelfVerification Self Assessment & Declaration
Live demo of peer to peer moderation
Implementation plan