Team Hope is…… an Irish Christian, international development aid charity Christmas Shoebox Appeal Work with poor communities all year round providing Water Education Family support Help to grow crops International Sponsorship Programme where people in Ireland can sponsor a child in need. The Hope Book Gift Catalogue Summer Work Teams Full details on We do lots of things!
Christmas Shoebox Appeal Last Christmas almost 170,000 children received a gift-filled shoebox from Ireland! For many of them it was the only Christmas present they received! + = YOU
Where will your boxes go? Eastern Europe Albania Kosova Transnistria Romania Ukraine Africa Burundi Cameroon Congo D.R. Kenya Lesotho Malawi Swaziland
What can I put in my box? W RITE something to write with W ASH something to wash with W EAR something to wear W OW ! Something to go ‘ wow ’ at !
What can I put in my box? Write Items for school – Most of the children who will get your boxes don’t have any of these ! Pen pencil sharpener eraser copy book, paper Colouring book felt pens, solar calculator
What can I put in my box? Wash Something to wash with – When you don’t have enough money to buy food, all of these are luxuries toothbrush toothpaste facecloth comb soap (wrapped) hairbrush
What can I put in my box? Wear Something to wear – hat gloves scarf mittens underwear socks flip flops
What can I put in my box? Wow Something to go WOW at! – sunglasses sweets make-up yo-yo ball toys doll stickers
What NOT to put in my box? Food( besides sweets) War related items Liquids (including bubbles) Sharp items Medicine Large clothing Anything breakable Books with words
A community centre in Kosova
A school in Lesotho
A hospital in Romania
A pre-school in Burundi
Your shoebox gift will be given to a needy child, it doesn’t matter who they are, where they’re from or what they believe, just that they are in need.. Thank you for making a difference ! Find out more or watch our shoebox DVD on