Baggage Regulation 889/2002 Results from Commissions enquiry EUROPEAN COMMISSION 28.07.2009 Vice-President Antonio Tajani, Commissioner for Transport.


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Presentation transcript:

Baggage Regulation 889/2002 Results from Commissions enquiry EUROPEAN COMMISSION Vice-President Antonio Tajani, Commissioner for Transport

Baggage Regulation 889/2002 – Results of Commissions enquiry Regulation (EC) No 889/2002. In case of baggage delay, the air carrier is liable for damage unless it took all reasonable measures to avoid the damage or it was impossible to take such measures. The liability for baggage delay is limited to The air carrier is liable for destruction, loss or damage to baggage up to In the case of checked baggage, it is liable even if not at fault, unless the baggage was defective. In the case of unchecked baggage, the carrier is liable only if at fault.

Baggage Regulation 889/2002 – Results of Commissions enquiry Stakeholders which replied to the Commissions enquiry. 6 Airline associations. 10 Consumer organisations. 14 Member States authorities

Baggage Regulation 889/2002 – Results of Commissions enquiry Data World:. 32,8 ml of lost baggages in 2008 (SITA). 1 bag per 3000 passengers never recovered in 2008 (SITA-AEA) Europe:. 4,6 ml bags delayed on arrival (Jan-Oct 2008-SITA). 13 lost baggages for each 1000 passengers of which 15% has not been delivered back to their owners within 48 hours (AEA). 1 lost baggage for each 64 passengers (EPF). 61% of baggage incidents are related to passengers with connecting flights (AEA)

Baggage Regulation 889/2002 – Results of Commissions enquiry What next? Public Consultation October 2009 Conference Early 2010 Study on Reg. 889/2002 Early 2010 Commisssion Communication Mid 2010

Baggage Regulation 889/2002 – Results of Commissions enquiry Thank you for your attention! Comments are welcome to: