2 UNIT 3 Living in luxury Vocabulary: hotel facilities Grammar: Simple present statements and questions Speaking: describing places
pairs. Which of these facilities and services can you see in the photos? A baby-sitting service Cafés A fitness center A lobby A swimming pool Ballroom Casinos Guest rooms Restaurants Tennis courts A business center Conference rooms A limousine service A sauna A video arcade 3
4 a.The room into which the main entrance door opens in a hotel. b.A building where games, especially card games are played for money. c.A large room that is used for dancing. d.Board for playing tennis e.A room which is heated to a high temperature, usually with steam f.A room for conference g.Center for making business h.A building for playing video i.Service of a small bus to take people to and from an airport j.A place where you go to exercise, for example by lifting weights or using other equipment.
5 Grammar focus Simple present Statements Add to the base form of the verb if the subject is he,she,or it in affirmative statement. Use a form of the auxiliary -----for negative statement and questions.
6 Speaking Pairs. You’re going on a business trip together. Decide which hotel to stay at, the Delta hotel or the Marina Hotel. Student A, look at this page. Student B, look at page 136. Read the brochure. Then take turns asking and answering questions about the facilities and services at your partner’s hotel. Both hotels cost $115 per night. Together, choose one the hotels. A: how many rooms does the Delta Hotel have? B: It has 32 rooms. Does the Marina offer airport transportation?
7 Go on Groups of 4. Talk about your results. Which hotel did you choose? Why?