There are two industrial areas : production and development zone near Kunda port, total area 130 ha; development zone in Tööstuse Street, total area 18 ha.
Production and development zone near Kunda port: Total area: 130 ha Vacant area: 113 ha Location: in the northern part of Kunda Buildings: none Tehnical networks: road access, port Neighbours: AS Port Kunda, AS Baltic Tank Restrictions: production area borders the Gulf of Finland in the north, therefore relevant restrictions under the Law on Nature Protection apply. Desired use: production area, storage area
Total area: 18 ha Vacant area: 3 ha, 3 plots from 0,6-1,25 ha Location: the eastern part of Kunda Buildings: none Neighbours: AS Lajos, OÜ Kunrex, AS Kunda Trans Tehnical networks: road and railroad access, electricity, telecommunications, water and sewerages Desired use: sector providing services to manufacturing enterprices (storage areas, various services etc.)
General information about the region: Kunda is nowadays a little green successful industrial and port town, situated in the northeastern part of Lääne-Viru (west) county. Kunda is bordered by the Gulf of Finland in the north and surrounded by Viru-Nigula parish from the other directions
Area: km2 Population: 3716 ◦ Distance from Tallinn – 107 km ◦ Distance from Rakvere – 26 km ◦ Distance from Narva – 98 km
Kunda PORT - The port of Kunda belongs to AS Kunda Nordic Tsement. At the moment liquid- and dry products’ terminals are operating, in addition to exporting Estonian Cell’s products. Also around a 5000 m2 hangar is being built for weather-sensitive cargo. The port’s territory is 14 hectares and the circulation of products more than 1,7 million tonnes. Railroad - Kunda-Rakvere railroad belongs to AS Kunda Trans and is used for transporting cargo. Truck transport - Truck transport in Kunda is organised by Lajos, Kunda Auto etc.
Water and sewerage: Water and sewerage services in Kunda are offered by a private enterprise AS Kunda Vesi. The pipes and water cleaning station owned by Kunda are maintained by AS Kunda Vesi as stated in a contract. All the town-governed facilities have joined with the water and sewerage grid. Length of the united water grid is 18.2 km. The cleaning station’s production capacity per day is up to 1200 m3. The sewerage cleaning system belongs to AS Kunda Vesi. The length of the sewers is 15,1 km.
Electricity, communications Kunda is supplied with electrical energy from the Kunda substation. The town’s 6 Kv distributional grid forms two systems: the town’s electric grid, serviced by Rakvere’s grid; and the electric grid of AS Kunda Nordic Tsement. Electric energy is bought by the town from Eesti Energia and AS Kunda Nordic Cement. Kunda’s communication service for citizens, as well as enterprises, is provided by a digital phone station next to the Selja road. The landline is mainly situated in the eastern town and on the street Sadama. Partially the communication is ensured via airlines
production of construction materials; logistics - railway- and motor transport; Port; metallurgical industry; wood production industry.
High school Kindergarten Music school Library Sport center (swimming pool, sports hall, gym, sauna, cafe etc.) Culture center Health center City government Beach
CONTACTS Munitcipality of Kunda Ph: Fax: Riina Sooäär – mayor Ph:
Professional consulting services for businesses, local municipalities, foundations and third sector parties. Manager and entrepreneures consultant, Tea Treufeldt Development specialist, Andres Ojanurm Phone nr: