OIT Business Office Billing Support Services Service Usage Management System (SUMS) 1
SUMS Training Agenda Description of SUMS Goals of SUMS Training Objectives Requesting Access How to Access SUMS System Requirements Report Hierarchy 2
SUMS Agenda (continued) Running Reports Saving and Exporting Reports Data Availability Helpful Hints Support 3
Description of Service Usage Management System SUMS is a web-based usage and billing system that provides on-line user access to billing information. The information is the same that you have received in the past in hard copy format. Data is presented in a summary page. Detail on unit costs and usage data is down with a drill down. There are many report options that can be saved or printed to the user’s desktop. 4
Goals of Service Usage Management System To provide on-line access to invoice data at the summary and detail level. Allow users the ability to see data on a daily basis. Ability to print duplicate invoices. Allow users the ability to track individual costs and make comparisons to prior months, years, etc. Allow users the ability to plan costs by maintaining historical data. 5
Training Objectives How to Log-In to SUMS How to select reports How to navigating views within the reports How to save reports 6
To request access to SUMS For training, agencies identified individuals who would have access to SUMS and the individual’s sign-on information was added to SUMS. Each agency was also asked to identify one individual who would be the access manager for the agency. This individual will be the contact person with the billing unit. After August 15, 2011, there will be a form on the web to add, change or delete agency user information. The completed form will be ed to Billing Support Services from the user agency’s access manager. The requests will be processed and confirmed via . 8
Sample form to request access. Department of Administrative Services (DAS) Office of Information Technology (OIT) Billing Services Unit (BSU) Request to Add/Delete/Change Access for Service Usage Management System (SUMS) In order to access Service Usage Management System each individual must be granted access by the user agency and the OIT Billing Services Unit. To grant access, the following information is needed: User ID:_________________________ This is the user Standard Sign-On Full Name:__________________________ Address: ______________________ Group:___________________ (This is the agency name) Circle One: Add a new user/ Change Information/ Delete a user Approved by Agency Access Administrator: Name: _______________________Title: ________________ Phone Number: _________________ _______________________ completed form to Darcy Kennard at You will be notified by when the person is added/changed/deleted from access to the system. 9
Accessing SUMS 10
Configuration Requirements Internet Explorer versions 7 and 8 Valid ID in Active Directory Access authorized through OIT Business Office, Billing Support Services. 11
Gaining Access to SUMS 12 Login to SUMS using the using Internet explorer within the Ohio Network web reporting This an example of SUMS access. When the system is ready for you to use, we will be sending an to you with the correct logon. There will also be a link on the WEB for SUMS.
Login to SUMS 13 User ID will be your Active Directory (Single Sign On a) ID and password. You will enter ODNNT\and your active ID. (This is your name.) Enter ODNNT\your Active Directory UserID Enter your Active Directory Password
Login is Successful 14
NEWS This is where the Billing Services Office will announce the availability of the current monthly invoice. Provide links to information that will aid in the use of the Service Usage Management System. Announce new releases of reports, etc. 15
Logout of SUMSS 16 Click to end session
How the data is presented in the Service Usage Management System 17
Report Hierarchy All data has been organized based on a unique reporting hierarchy, based on the State of Ohio financial codes. This hierarchy allows the user to request reports at high levels (summary information) or at the detail level down to the network master station. You can specify the level of account data you wish to return as a parameter for each report. 18
Job Number Customer ID Non-Agency Client Agency Direct/indirect State Sample Account code: OH.DIR.DAS C420.CS Future Aggregation Point Master Station (Voice) State Of Ohio Aggregation Hierarchy 19
Report Hierarchy Description Level 1 - The 2 digit code to denote Ohio Level 2 – A 3 digit code used to identify a direct or indirect cost. Level 3 – Is the 5 digit OAKS number used to identify the state agency. Level 4 – For non-state agency clients who have access to their invoice data. Level 5 – Position holder for future needs Level 6 - Customer ID – A four digit number controlled by the user agency. (Optional) Level 7 – Job Number – The alpha/numeric six digit code used to track specific costs. Level 8 – Master station voice numbers. (For network services and/or telecom.) 20
Sample Account Code The account code for the Administrative Services would be: 21 OH.DIR.DAS C301.CS0301 Computer Usage Billing
Sample Agency Account Code State agencies can only see their data. When a state agency is entering account data to run a report, the account code will start with: OH.DIR.XXXXX The XXXXX is the five digit OAKS number assigned to the agency. 22
Running Reports 23
24 Some users may see only an empty space the first time they log on the reporting system. This indicates a compatibility issue within the browser settings
25 To correct the compatibility setting, go the IE address bar Click on the box with the broken page and a text box appears. This will correct the viewing issue
Opening “run reports” will show a menu of report topics 26
Report List OIT Standard Reports 27
Invoices 28
To access Invoice by account 29
30 Select The Account Code Level. The range of Account Codes The Date Range
Expand at arrows for a menu of selections 31 Date range may be selected from drop down or calendar or typed
Invoice Report 32 Insert screen shot of State of Ohio Invoice report
33 Click on units to drill down for additional detail
Example of using the identifiers for specific information. 34 Each Resource unit billed a unique set of identifiers for drill down. Select the identifiers you would like to see
38 Run Total Invoice Expand to see individual clients
39 When you leave a report, always use the Return Key, never use the back arrow.
Account Reports 40
41 Crosstab Reports Daily Crosstab reports display usage and/or charges by Client by day.
42 Define the Accounts to be displayed Define the days to be included in the report
Trend Reports 43
Trend Reports using fiscal year – defining reporting period Using a fiscal year basis for reporting means the “period” will reflect the month position within the fiscal year. Period 1 is July, Period 11 is May
Trend report Cost Trend based on fiscal year Note that when the year has been set to use fiscal reporting, the reports show “period” rather than month. 45
Saving and Exporting Reports 46
47 The menu bar allows you to export, refresh or save the report selected. Select the format which you want the report saved and click.
48 Saving Reports Click “Save”. Reports can be saved in PDF or Excel or Word formats. Fix screen shot Insert screen shot of second pop up screen here Insert shot of download box here
Reports overview Each category within the menu of reports can be expanded to view individual reports. Invoice reports can be used for drill down based on units only. Account Reports contain the crosstab series, reports which are useful for validation and analysis. Top Usage and Variance reports key on dollar amounts so will not return effective results if no rates have been applied to the usage. Trend Reports have versions which track dollars and versions which track usage. The usage is shown across a calendar year. Resource Detail reports offer the user limited ad hoc reports using parameter driven queries. Results are presented in a predefined format.
Most Frequently Accessed Reports Account Total Invoice Provides charges by account code, rate code, description and rate group. Parameters allow viewing one or more levels of account codes. Option to select a specific time period. Drill down available by clicking on units. Data easily exported to MS Excel, Word or PDF. 50
Most Frequently Accessed Reports, (continued) Monthly Crosstab – Charges or Usage Display charges or usage by month across time period requested. Trend Reports – Cost or Usage Display costs or usage by month across a year. Note:These types of reports will not be as useful until there is twelve months of data loaded to the system. 51
When Data is Available 52
Data Availability SUMS went live on July 1, 2011 collecting usage data on a daily basis. At the end of the month, the daily files are collated and placed in the invoice format. July 2011 invoices will be available for viewing on August 15, If you have registered with the Billing Services Unit you will be notified via when the system is ready for you to access. After August 15, 2011, all notices will be in the NEWS section of SUMS. 53
Support Process Staff in the Billing Support Services Unit will be the first responder to questions about the information on SUMS. You can call the unit or send a question via . If it is a system problem and not a data question: Record the nature of the problem, including any applicable error messages. Gather screen shots, etc. the Billing Support Services Unit and they will contact the Help Desk and follow-up with a resolution. 55
Support Telephone Numbers For questions on SUMS, you can call one of the following: Alicia Shipley , Melinda Hurst – , Karen Stattmiller , 56
Helpful Hints for Using SUMS Your user sign-on and password will be the standard sign-on to your system. Always use the return button when you want to go back to a prior screen. (Never use the back button.) If there is a plus sign, a hand or if the item is highlighted in blue, you can drill down to a lower level of detail. Once you click to start a report, do not re-click. Wait until the report has appeared to proceed. Reports are listed by period, not month, for the fiscal year. Period 1 is July, Period 12 is June. For questions about SUMS, contact the OIT Business Office via or phone. 57
Links on DAS Web There are several links already on the DAS web to help understand the data that will be accessible on SUMS. The main link is: Click on For State Agencies, Divisions under Information Technology under the service menu. There is an OIT Service Catalog and the ISD Service Level Agreement. 58
Where SUMS is Located 59
Contact Names and Numbers For questions on how to use SUMS: 60 Alicia Shipley , Melinda Hurst – , Karen Stattmiller ,