MPSRSYS- 1 UCB, Oct 26, 2006 THEMIS MISSION PRE-SHIP REVIEW SYSTEMS OVERVIEW Ellen Taylor University of California - Berkeley
MPSRSYS- 2 UCB, Oct 26, 2006 PSR Overview Review Purpose and Approach Requirement Verification Status Performance Requirements - MRD Verification Status Resource Budget Status Integration and Test As-Run Environmental Test Flows Environmental Test Requirements - ETM Verification Status Operating Hours Current Test Activities Mission Readiness Testing (Mission Simulations) Tracking and Trending Launch Slip Impact Mission Design Changes Impact of Changes Problem Failure Reports (PFRs) PFR Statistics and Status Open PFRs and discussion Closed PFRs unverifiable failures, impact to operations and risk list Overview
MPSRSYS- 3 UCB, Oct 26, 2006 Review Purpose and Approach Mission PSR Review Purpose Review results of Environmental Test Program Assess readiness of flight hardware and software for Launch Assess readiness of Launch Site Plans and Procedures Review Approach Instrument Suite and Probe Bus PSRs covered: Changes since CDR, problems encountered and close-out Testing, qualification and performance verification at instrument and subsystem level Flight Operations Review covered: Ground system, flight dynamics system, mission design (maneuver plan, orbit determination, attitude determination) Mission simulations, instrument and probe commissioning procedure and testing status This review will cover: Changes since Mission PER, problems encountered and close-out Testing and performance verification at system level Test activities since PER, review of upcoming Launch Site activities MAIN FOCUS: Environmental Test Report (magnetics, vibration/shock/acoustics, spin balance, alignment and thermal vac) and Flight System Readiness
MPSRSYS- 4 UCB, Oct 26, 2006 Performance Verification Mission Requirements Document (MRD) Verification Matrix MRD Verification Matrix is available on-line at: Management/1.3 Systems Engineering/1. Requirements/thm_sys_001J_MRD.xls 10/26/06 MRD Rev J: Released Verification Matrix for Mission PSR MRD Recent Revisions 10/05/06 MRD Rev I.1: Updated Requirements and Verification Matrix for Mission FOR 06/23/06 MRD Rev I: Released Verification Matrix for Mission PER Instrument and Probe Subsystem Verification Matrices presented at PSRs 03/16/06 MRD Rev H: Released Verification Matrix for F2 Probe PER (1 st Probe to JPL) 03/23/06 MRD Rev H.1: Released Verification Matrix for F3 Probe Bus PSR 05/05/06 MRD Rev H.2: Released Verification Matrix for FM4/FM5 Instrument Suite PSR 05/04/06 MRD Rev H.3: Released Verification Matrix for F4 Probe Bus PSR 05/31/06 MRD Rev H.4: Released Verification Matrix for F1 Probe Bus PSR 06/12/06 MRD Rev H.5: Released Verification Matrix for F5 Probe Bus PSR
MPSRSYS- 5 UCB, Oct 26, 2006 Performance Verification MRD Status Statistics 476 Requirements in MRD, not including Level 1 Science and Programmatic Requirements 464 Requirements verified (GREEN) 8 Requirements pending (YELLOW) 4 Requirements waived (GREY) 0 Requirements not met (RED) Pending Requirements No pending requirements are considered liens to shipment to the Cape Verification activities have been planned for all pending requirements as part of normal course of Launch Site Activities or Mission Readiness Tests (MRTs)
MPSRSYS- 6 UCB, Oct 26, 2006 MRD Verification Status 6 System (Level 2) Pending Requirements LEVEL 2 REQUIREMENTSTATUS M-7 Probe Safe-State in any attitudePending final power analysis in worst-case attitudes with test correlated thermal model to show viable safe-state (thermal, power). M-8 Failure Detection and CorrectionPending final Limit Monitoring (LM) and Real Time Sequence (RTS) verification. M-33 Electrostatic CleanlinessPending ESC Survey after all flight close-outs at Launch Site. Components surveyed. Integrated Probes surveyed at various stages of integration. M-40 Performance VerificationPending completion of MRD Verification Matrix. M-41 EnvironmentsPending successful completion of Environmental Test Program (PCA Spin Balance) at Launch Site. M-45 PCA MassPending PCA mass measurement and spin balance at Launch Site. Analysis and testing to date shows mass is on track. 2 Instrument and Probe Bus (Level 3) Pending Requirements LEVEL 3 REQUIREMENTSTATUS PB.FSW-3 Code Image identical on all ProbesPending final FSW version and verification prior to launch. IN.ESA-13 ESA On-orbit CalibrationPending on-orbit calibration, ESA ground cal complete.
MPSRSYS- 7 UCB, Oct 26, 2006 MRD Verification Status (cont.) 4 Requirements have been waived (GREY) IN.ESA-08: ESA Dayside Energy Flux Requirement: The ion ESA geometric factor shall be attenuated in the solar wind to avoid saturation. Waived: Requirement to measure the solar wind (SW) is met without attenuating the geometric factor. The AMPTEKs count at high enough rate and the angular width is small enough (1/4 and 1/2 of 22.5deg) to measure the SW speed and ion temperature/density without being saturated. The electron detector is also OK because the SW temperature is high enough to not need narrower view. IN.DPU-09: Stored Housekeeping Telemetry Requirement: The IDPU DCB shall not erase instrument housekeeping telemetry from memory unless commanded to do so Waived: Requirement to not erase instrument housekeeping telemetry in memory until commanded to do so is met by Probe Bus requirement PB.CDH-27. All instrument housekeeping telemetry (APID 404 and 406) is saved in the Probe BAU memory and erased only on command. Therefore, this is not a requirement on the DCB. IN.EFI-11: EFI Noise Level Requirement: The EFI noise level shall be below 1 x 10^-4 mV/m/sqrt(Hz). Waived: EFI measured noise level is 2 to 3 x 10^-4 mVm/sqrt(Hz). Slightly higher value does not have a significant impact on Level 1 science measurement. PC.Mech-1: Probe-to-Probe Static Clearance on Probe Carrier Requirement: The Probe / Carrier shall accommodate 5 probes of the maximum mass allocation, with a minimum static clearance of 4 inches between adjacent Probes Waived: Current static clearance is 3.75 inches. From analysis, does not affect dynamic clearance after deployment of 1 inch. See SAI-TM-3048 for MRD Waiver Justification.
MPSRSYS- 8 UCB, Oct 26, 2006 Mass Status and History Mass Status Probe Dry Mass is limiting mass resource Probe Dry Mass Current Best Estimate (CBE): 77.0 kg Measured Probe Dry Mass: Measured in flight configuration after Probe Spin Balance, corrected for sep system < 2% mass deviation between Probes (requirement) Mass History Not to Exceed (NTE): 81.8kg Mass Margin: 4.7% (with 100% mass weighed)
MPSRSYS- 9 UCB, Oct 26, 2006 Power Status and History Power Status Increase in Probe power (since Probe Bus PSR) was from additional heater power predicted from updated thermal model. Heater power estimate contains most uncertainty, was verified during Probe Thermal Balance Test. Increase in capability was based on measured S/A LAPSS performance data coupled with battery time history analysis. Shows an additional 3.5W of continuous load can be supported and still fully recharge the battery. Probe CBE: 36.6 W Probe Capability: W Probe Margin: 10.2%
MPSRSYS- 10 UCB, Oct 26, 2006 F1-5 As-Run Test Flow F1/2/5 Magnetics Test Post-Ship LPTs and Pressurization F1/5 Alignments and Spin Balance Mission PER: 06/23/06 PCA Acoustics Test Probe Separation Tests thm-mint-proc-019 Probe CPT: 8/15-17/06 thm-mint-proc-033 Instrument CPT: 8/15-17/06 thm-mint-proc-019 SA Illumination: 8/15-17/06 F3/4 Magnetics Test F1/5 Spin Balance Re-Test Post-Vibe LPTs Solar Array Tests PCA Vibe/Sep Test w/ dummy masses Mission PER F3/4 TV Test (4 cycles) thm-mint-proc-049 Spin Balance: 7/25-28/06 PFR 209 Spin Balance: OPEN PCA Vibration (X,Y,Z-axes) F1/5 TV Test (4 cycles) thm-mint-proc-013 Probe LPT: 7/5-7/06 thm-mint-proc-032 Instrument LPT: 7/5-7/06 thm-mint-proc-124 RCS Press.: 7/6/06 F1/5 Alignments and Spin Balance thm-mint-proc-060 PCA Vibe: 7/7-8/06 thm-mint-proc-070 PCA Sep: 7/7-8/06 thm-mint-proc-061 PCA Acoustics: 7/18/06 thm-mint-proc-070 PCA Sep: 7/19-20/06 Post-Env. CPTs Solar Array Tests thm-mint-proc-074 PCA Vibe Config thm-mint-proc-060 PCA Vibe: 7/13-17/06 JPL Procedure: 8/3-4/06 JPL Procedure: 7/26-28/06 Mission Simulations Battery Trending Spacecraft Health and Status Checks thm-mint-proc-013 Probe LPT: 7/20-24/06 thm-mint-proc-032 Instr. LPT: 7/20-24/06 thm-mint-proc-019 SA Illumination: 7/20-22/06 thm-mint-proc-047 TV Procedure: 7/27-8/2/06 thm-mint-proc-052 TV Functional: 7/27-8/2/06 TV Test Plan and As-Run Log thm-mint-proc-049 Spin Balance: 7/27-8/2/06 thm-mint-proc-047 TV Procedure: 8/4-10/06 thm-mint-proc-052 TV Functional: 8/4-10/06 TV Test Plan and As-Run Log thm-mint-proc-049 Spin Balance: 8/15/06 PFR 209 Spin Balance: CLOSED
MPSRSYS- 11 UCB, Oct 26, 2006 Environmental Test Verification Environmental Test Matrix (ETM) No changes or deviation in test plan since the PER All environmental tests are now complete except PCA Spin Balance System Level ETM: NOTES: A = AnalysisQ = Qualification unit only T = TestI = Inspection TS = Test on 1st unit only, rest by similarityW = Weigh TL = Limited Test TW I
MPSRSYS- 12 UCB, Oct 26, 2006 Power Log – Hours for Integrated Probe System: Components accumulated additional hours run time prior to integration. Failure Free Hours: Hours accumulated on core system after return of transponder and BAU during mission integration. Late Instrument Swaps: Spare SST swapped in prior to TVac (>100 hours gained on integrated system). Spare SCM swapped in early October (>100 hours gained at component level TV prior to integration onto Probe). Thermal Vacuum Hours: failure free hours were accumulated during TVac Goal to have 100 failure free hours on Integrated Probes prior to delivery to the Cape has been met Operating Hours
MPSRSYS- 13 UCB, Oct 26, 2006 Flight Probes located at JPL Probe State of Health Tracking per THM-MINT-PROC-109 JPL Tracking Log –Visual Check, Purge Flow, Tank Pressure Check Probe Trending per THM-MINT-PROC-106 Battery Trending Procedure –Performed approximately every two weeks Mission Readiness Testing per THM-SYS-019 Mission Readiness Test Plan –Network connectivity and data path tests between JPL and UCB MOC –Mission simulations: Maneuver simulations, orbit simulations, commissioning procedures, launch countdown practice –Training exercises for Flight Operations Team FlatSat Environment (Probe Simulator) located at UCB and at Swales Developed by Swales and Hammers –Includes BAU EDU, IDPU ETU & Simulator (Instrument Flight Spare can be swapped instead fo Simulator), ITOS Workstation and VirtualSat Used extensively (daily) for Mission Readiness Testing since June 2006 –Mission simulations prior to being run on flight system –Training exercises, specifically contingency operations –Pre- and Post-launch testing of flight software patches, updated tables and new procedures Current Test Activities
MPSRSYS- 14 UCB, Oct 26, 2006 MRT Summary Mission Readiness Testing (MRT) Consists of over 230 specific tests Tracked daily in stand-up meetings with team, weekly summary meetings with GSFC On track to complete >90% by L-2 months (configuration freeze)
MPSRSYS- 15 UCB, Oct 26, 2006 Battery Trending Battery Capacity Trending Started trending all flight batteries in June ’06 in response to Probe Bus 1 PSR RFA #7 All eclipse loads on, discharge for nominal eclipse time of 1 hour Battery voltage, current and temperature recorded Voltage set to 32V, voltage drops 0.4V to 0.5V in 1 hour Battery Capacity Results to date Average drop is 0.469V in one hour Value has been consistent over past 15 weeks Maximum difference is 50mV from the average All probes consistent (no outliers) Indicates all flight batteries are stable, no degradation seen within measurement capabilities
MPSRSYS- 16 UCB, Oct 26, 2006 Mission Profile, October Mission Profile, January : First tail season targeted for 1 year later Mission Profile, February : No major change in profile, just shortened Coast Phase. Launch Slip Impact
MPSRSYS- 17 UCB, Oct 26, 2006 Technical Impact from Change in Mission Profile EFI Boom Deploy delayed ~ 9 months (L+330d instead of L+63d) on Probes 1 and 5 –THEMIS lifetime test showed no issue: Motor at elevated temperature (50C) for 21 months, worst-case starting current (related to concern of lubrication migration in the gearbox over time) was within expectation –CLUSTER lifetime tests also relevant and showed no issue RCS Re-pressurization delayed about 6 months –No concern over the time on-orbit to recharge, nothing in the sequence is life limited (from Swales RCS lead) –Cassini waited several years to do the recharge. Other Pyros have been fired after many years in space and show no signs of loss of performance. Radiation environment worse in cruise orbit, affecting total dose prediction –All systems designed with Radiation Design Margin of 2 –IRUs were identified as having radiation susceptibility, show a change in bias voltage. Operational trending will track bias voltage during cruise phase so use during later ascent will not be an issue. Power considerations –Much better launch orientation, side solar arrays close to normal, nominal orientation –No change from previous worst-case analyses in number or duration of eclipses (battery DOD%, battery fade calculations) Thermal environment –Bracketed by previous worst-case analyses, updated pass plan still being evaluated for full run of on-orbit predicts Launch Slip Impact
MPSRSYS- 18 UCB, Oct 26, 2006 PFR Summary PFR Statistics – 34 PFRs logged since Mission PER (PFR197 – PFR231)
MPSRSYS- 19 UCB, Oct 26, 2006 PFR Summary PFR Statistics - 34 from Environment Test Program: 33 Closed (0 Unverifiable), 1 Open Open PFR 229 PROBLEM: SC Event Message: CheckSum (CS) Memory Scrub Failure logged during maneuver simulations on the Probe and FlatSat RESOLUTION: Event Message indicates Bulk Memory Scrub failure. Single bit error is found and corrected on-board. No adverse affects have been noted. Although impact is minor, further investigation into cause on-going. Problem has been recreated a number of times on FlatSat West, seems to be caused by changing filter tables. Swales/Hammers still trying to recreate on FlatSat East. PFR is not considered a lien against going to Launch Site
MPSRSYS- 20 UCB, Oct 26, 2006 PFR Summary Closed PFRs - If applicable, closed PFRs are moved to “UCB Watch List” which includes Unverifiable Failure List (UVF): Moved to UVF List when a specific problem can not be reproduced and therefore not definitively fixed. Although not proven, a best guess of what occurred is listed, as well as an impact risk assessment if the problem were to show up at a later date. Unverifiable failures from Swales have been transferred to UCB system if they require a “UCB watch.” All Swales unverifiable failures are tracked as risks. Operational Impact List: Moved to the Operational Impact List when a problem is considered minor enough to “fly-as-is,” but an operational work-around is required. The work-around can be action the Ops team must take to avoid the problem or simply knowledge that the issue exists. Risk List: Moved to the Risk List when an problem is closed, but some residual risk remains. Risk List is provided to Explorers and includes risk statement, impact, mitigation, probability of occurrence, risk level and status.
MPSRSYS- 21 UCB, Oct 26, 2006 BACK-UP Closed PFR Lists - Unverifiable Failure List Operational Impact List Risk List Mission I&T Procedure List
MPSRSYS- 22 UCB, Oct 26, 2006 Unverifiable Failure List
MPSRSYS- 23 UCB, Oct 26, 2006 Unverifiable Failure List (cont.)
MPSRSYS- 24 UCB, Oct 26, 2006 Operational Impact List
MPSRSYS- 25 UCB, Oct 26, 2006 Risk List
MPSRSYS- 26 UCB, Oct 26, 2006 Procedure List
MPSRSYS- 27 UCB, Oct 26, 2006 Procedure List (cont.)
MPSRSYS- 28 UCB, Oct 26, 2006 Procedure List (cont.)