Hotel Curime This Hotel is located, in Guanacaste Province, in Nicoya City.
Recepcion, Conference Room and Pool
Soccer Field
Nicoya´s Airport bordering with Hotel, this Airport is Under Remodelation to do a 18 meter wide aslfalt Airstrip, The Hotel has private acces to this Airport
Facts: Ubication: Nicoya, Guanacaste. Total Area: square meteres. Buil Area: 5000 square meters. Equippe and en functioning. All the patentes on line. Really near to all Guanacaste Beaches, Tempisque River, Cavernas de Barra Honda National Park. Liberia International Airport.(see next slide) The Hotel consist of 20 Cabinn´s and other 6 Smaller Cabins Múltiples services. Bar, Restaurant, Souvenirs Shop, Conferences Room, Sports Courts, Sauna. Direct and private acces to Nicoya´s Airport ( Just two hotels is Costa Rica has this adventaje ) Price $4 Millons USD
Distance from the Hotel To the principal beaches, and touristic places of Guanacaste 30 km 40 km 35 km 45 km 50 km 55 km