Demonstrators Meeting First Year Laboratory Demonstrators’ Meeting Part 1 –Laboratory overview - Organisation –Safety –AOB - Photographs, Workshop –Demonstrators’ Rota Part 2 –Splinter Groups (SS/MD, DL, BS). Part 3 –Demonstrator Responsibilities –Measurement & Errors –Laboratory notebooks –Writing Reports –Assessment Procedures –Short Experiments and Projects
Demonstrators Meeting Opt./Elec.DemonstrationComputing First Term Second Term Third Term 260 Students | | | | | | Monday Thursdays Tuesday Fridays a b c x y z O/E D C D C C D C D D C D C | | | | Short Experiments | Projects Open Days | Introductory Sessions 6 Weeks4 Weeks
Demonstrators Meeting Level 4 Office: Harish Dawda, Robert Whisker Computer Suite: Martin Morris Heads of Experiment Mike Damzen – Optics Steve Schwartz - Electronics Derek Lee – Computing Ben Sauer - Demonstration Measurement & Errors Richard Thompson Head of Laboratory Ben Sauer Deputy Head Mike Damzen 48 Demonstrators 260 Students 4000 Marks Organisation Laboratory Personnel
Demonstrators Meeting In Case of Last Minute Absence:- Phone Harish/Robert on Phone your Head of Experiment Phone BS or MD
Demonstrators Meeting Safety 1. Read College Guidelines on Safety in General 2. Read the safety documents attached to each laboratory script and make sure students do as well 3. Intervene if you think students are about to create a hazard 4. Do not allow anyone eat, drink, smoke or wear headsets in the laboratory (new policy!) 5. Do not repair electrical equipment yourself office 7. Creating an awareness of safety issues is part of training students to be professional projects 6. Do not let students try to repair electrical equipment
Demonstrators Meeting Assessment Fill out attendance sheets each session Keep notes during lab for continuous assessment Average should be about 70%. Evidence for better/worse performance? Computing grades tend to be higher
Demonstrators Meeting Demonstrators to be photographed for the First Year laboratory notice board. Masaki OwariRichard Hendricks Dangyuan LeiJohn Crosse Liam O'BrianSam Foster Mark FaistJohn Labram Meilin, 5:15 today (right after the meeting) In the room opposite the Student Admin office on Level 3 Blackett Lab. and anyone who wants a new picture
Demonstrators Meeting Summary –Many more students –8 introductory sessions –New demonstration experiments –6 weeks of short experiments –All students will do projects –Remember: be active, lead by example Any other business (e.g. rota swaps, demonstrator contact details)? Web page:
Demonstrators Meeting Introductory Rota
Demonstrators Meeting Part 2 – Splinter Groups
Demonstrators Meeting First Year Lab Demonstrators meeting Part 3 –Demonstrator Responsibilities –Measurement & Errors –Laboratory notebooks (DS) –Writing Reports (DS/RAS) –Assessment Procedures –Short Experiments and Projects
Demonstrators Meeting Demonstrators ( what we tell the students ) Demonstrators are there to help you. This is their main job. If you have a problem with the script or the apparatus/computer, or your results, ASK FOR HELP - any demonstrator will do. You will have one demonstrator specifically assigned to you. He/she will check your lab book to make sure you are keeping the right sort of notes, and will also assess your work and mark your report.
Demonstrators Meeting Demonstrators ( what you need to bear in mind ) Activity with most direct contact with students in first year. Important to give professional image. Need for active involvement. Students need encouragement, coaxing, and training. Laboratory is training in being a professional: - specific skills and techniques - record keeping, analysis - writing reports - communication, teamwork - organisation, time keeping
Demonstrators Meeting Measurement & Errors Students get 1 lecture introducing formulae needed for First Year Lab + introductory session in the computer suite They are given a summary handout with formulae Don’t expect them to use any more sophisticated formulae or understand the derivations Make sure you understand the handout and can explain the formulae and how to use them
Demonstrators Meeting Laboratory Notebooks Students get ½ lecture introducing rationale and how to keep a notebook (BS) They are given a handout There is also some guidance in the “Introduction to Lab” You are expected to monitor their notebook content and provide feedback Make sure you read the handouts and give advice and award marks in line with it.
Demonstrators Meeting Writing Reports Students get ½ lecture introducing rationale and how to write reports and avoid plagiarism (BS) They are given a handout There is also some guidance in the “Introduction to Lab” You are expected to mark their reports and provide feedback Make sure you read the handouts and give advice and award marks in line with it.
Demonstrators Meeting Report Timetable Monday/Tuesday- groups A, B, CThursday/Friday- groups X, Y, Z Oct. 27, 28; Nov. 3, 4, 10, 11, 17, 18 R1: Nov. 18; R2: Nov. 25; R3a: Dec. 2; R3b: Dec. 9 Cycle 1 Oct. 30, 31; Nov. 6, 7, 13, 14, 20, 21 R1: Nov. 21; R2: Nov. 28; R3a: Dec. 5; R3b: Dec. 12 Group A: Electronics/Optics Group B: Demonstration Experiments Group C: Computing Group X: Electronics/Optics Group Y: Demonstration Experiments Group Z: Computing R1: Demonstrators agree lab report titles with students; R2: Students hand in lab reports to lab office, level 4; (4pm deadline!) R3a: Demonstrators hand marked reports to lab office for second marking; R3b: Demonstrators return marked reports to students during lab session;
Demonstrators Meeting Assessment Assessment is in two parts –1. Continuous assessment 50% of marks –2. Lab reports 50% of marks
Demonstrators Meeting 1. Continuous Assessment Student performance in the laboratory. You award the mark in consultation with the Head of Experiment (you need to keep notes on the progress of your students). This mark is multiplied by the student’s fractional attendance. If a student has to be away for any reason, they must see either Dr. Ray Murray or myself. Illness requires either a Doctor’s note (>2 consecutive sessions) or a ‘self certification’ form handed in to level 3 student office or level 4 lab office.
Demonstrators Meeting Continuous Assessment Procedure Each student has form - record of their laboratory work for the experiment (4 weeks). First session - HoE allocates you students. Put your name on the forms in space provided. Record attendance at every session immediately on form. Leave forms in lab. Be polite - forms are on public display! Monitor lab books after sessions 2 and 4 (give lab notebook mark on basis of sessions 5-8). Do not remove notebooks from the building. Leave them where they can be found! Complete continuous assessment form after session 8 – Use pro forma marking scheme – Hold demonstrators’ meeting after session 8 - pool knowledge of students and achieve common standards
Demonstrators Meeting
Demonstrators Meeting Optics/Electronics, Demonstration
Demonstrators Meeting Assessement How does the average student perform? Marks below 40% = failure Try to use full range 4 to 10 Evidence: could you defend your mark to your head of experiment? To the student? See handout on lab webpage
Demonstrators Meeting 2. Laboratory Reports Before marking, read the ‘Guidelines on Report Writing’. Be aware of the ‘house style’. See also Reinhardt Schuhmann, Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, (2008) Report is assessed as a stand-alone task. The ‘experimental’ work is already assessed through the continuous assessment. Someone getting an E for continuous assessment can, in principle, get an A for the report. Use of word processors is not necessary for an A! Mark reports against the guidelines.
Demonstrators Meeting Report Assessment Procedure Set report topic on R1 date - agree with student, make sure they understand what you expect, ask HoE or colleagues for advice if needed. Do not set them too wide a topic. Only a small part of the experiment can be covered in 4-6 pages Receive reports on R2 date Mark and pass on to HoE by R3a date. Make sure you put comments on report (good and bad). Mark according to pro forma and against handout advice. Return reports to students on R3b date - talk to them.
Demonstrators Meeting Optics/Electronics, Demonstration
Demonstrators Meeting Computing
Demonstrators Meeting Student Deadlines Late reports are penalised – Up to 3 days late - subtract 5 marks – 4-7 days late - - subtract 10 marks – >7 days late - 0 marks awarded Marks are subtracted by HoL All reports MUST be handed in to level 4 office - do not accept any reports handed to you by students Student deadlines Demonstrator deadlines Allow 3 hours for marking and schedule it in your diaries now!
Demonstrators Meeting Assessment Grades We will give the students percentage marks, which correspond to the following degree classifications: >70%First class %Upper second %Lower second % Third class10-12 <40% Fail 0-9
Demonstrators Meeting 1. Twelve 6-hour experiments - students do 6 2. Scripts available in level 4 laboratory 3. Each demonstrator supervises 4 experiments 4. More information later - rota, etc Short Experiments Projects Two required from everyone by week 5 of term 2 Previous projects in level 4 office Suitable for 36h for students working in pairs More information later- start thinking, ask around
Demonstrators Meeting