Struggles of a Christian Life Matt. 7:13-14
Persecutions Without Certain, not just possible – 2 Tim. 3: Perhaps what we face is not as severe as those who came before – Rev. 6:9-11 Let us not lose focus – Rom. 8:35-39
Doubts Within All of what you expect: “Am I good enough?” “What if I don’t know the answer?” “I can’t talk to people about Jesus.” Fear can cripple you if you let it – Phil. 1:12-14
Constant Temptations Coming from Satan, playing on our weaknesses – James 1:13-15 Never able to let our guard down – Gal. 6:1
So Why Do It? We would struggle regardless – Psalm 90:9-10 Because the reward is worth far more – Mark 13:10-13 And because turning back is worse – 2 Pet. 2:20-22