Blue Gate Antwerp Open days
Partners + location 2
Key facts o Development of a brownfield into an industrial site o Economic programme - Eco-production - Research & Development - Smart logistics o Timing - Strategic Masterplan: June EIA (environmental impact assessment): March Sanitation and development: (first phase) o Website: 3
Eco-effectiveness o Materials o infrastructure o building materials o Water o reduction of consumption, maximal reuse o Energy o CO 2- negative or energypositive o reduction in consumption o tuning and exchanging of energy use (smart grid) o energy production (combined heat power, PV, windturbines) 4
PPP – Why? o Knowledge buy in (what the market does better…) o Greater flexibility (tenders…) o Speeding up of the process o Risk allocation o Financing o Combination of making profit and realising social goals 5
PPP – How? o Blue Gate Antwerp nv - four government partners - possibly a private partner <50% - break even o Special Purpose Vehicles (SPVs) - geographical and/or thematic - partners of Blue Gate Antwerp nv - private partner(s) >50% - profit o Enduser 6
PPP – Future challenges o Guaranteering the initial ambition - legal devices - charter (scorecard) - concession or sale? o Problems - slowing down the process - how long can you guarantee the ambition? 7
Blue Gate Antwerp Open days