13th Sept Sungai Nibong Gospel Hall Part 2 – The Beauty, The Beasts and The Battle Recapitulation: Study 1a: The Perspective of Prophecy A.S PECIFIC P RINCIPLES I N I NTERPRETING D ANIEL. B.S PECIAL P RINCIPLES TO K EEP IN M IND. C. A S UMMARY OF E SCHATOLOGICAL V IEWPOINTS.
Study 1b: The Beauty and The Beasts Daniel Chs. 2 & 7 (Or The Times of the Gentiles. Lk. 21:24) A.THE IMAGE OF MAN. D AN. C H. 2 B. THE INTERPRETATION OF THE VISIONS. D AN. C HS. 2, 7, 8 1.The Parallel Panorama. Dan. 2:21-35 and 7:1-14 The Dream is one, cf. Gen. 41:25
Part 2: A. The Kingdoms Compared Textual Study of (A) The Beauty, (B) The Beasts & (C) their Battle (Dan. 2)(Dan. 7) (Dan. 8) The Beauty of the Image. (2:31-35) Its Interpretation - 2:36-45
Textual Study of (A) The Beauty, (B) The Beasts The Vision of The Beasts 7:1-8Its Interpretation - 7:15-28
The World Empires in Daniel’s Visions
False Modern Non-Biblical Interpretation!! 1. Lion with Eagle’s Wings – Great Britain and USA. 2. Bear – Russia. 3. Leopard – Coalition of China, Korea and Japan.
Textual Study of (A) The Beauty (Dan. 2), (B) The Beasts (Dan. 7) & (C) the Battle of the Two Beasts (Dan. 8) C. The Battle of The Two Beasts (Dan. 8:1, 3-14) The Interpretation. (Dan. 8:19-27)` Great Horn: Alexander the Great The Little Horn Antiochus Epiphanes ( B.C.) of Syria cf. 8:8, 22 from four horns. Ct. Antichrist, 7:8 from ten horns.
1. The Parallel Panorama. Dan. 2:21-35 and 7:1-14 The Dream is one, cf. Gen. 41:25 THE BEAUTY…AND THE BEASTS The ImageThe 4 BeastsThe Two BeastsInterpretation 2:31-357:1-14, :2-152:36-45; 7:15-28; 8:19-27 Head of GoldLion with Eagle’s Babylon Empire Wings (4) ( BC) Breast ofBear with one sideRam with oneMedo-Persian Silverraised higher (5) horn higherEmpire than the other (3). than the other.( BC) 8: 3, 4 8:20
1. The Parallel Panorama. Dan. 2:21-35 and 7:1-14 The Dream is one, cf. Gen. 41:25 The ImageThe 4 BeastsThe Two Beasts Interpretation Belly and Leopard with He-goat with Grecian Empire Thighs of Brass 4 wings, notable horn, & (8:21) BC4 heads (6) 4 other horns.Alexander Great & four generals. Legs of IronBeast with iron Roman Empire teeth (7)Caesars (64BC -476AD (Present) T HE C HURCH P ARENTHESIS
Study 1b: The Beauty and The Beasts Daniel Chs. 2 & 7 (Or The Times of the Gentiles. Lk. 21:24) A. THE IMAGE OF MAN. cf. Gen. 41:25 D AN. C H. 2 B. THE INTERPRETATION OF THE VISIONS. D AN. C HS. 2, 7, 8 1.The Parallel Panorama. Dan. 2:21-35 and 7:1-14 The Dream is one, cf. Gen. 41:25 2.The Particular Portrayals. a. The Fourth Beast.
1. The Parallel Panorama. Dan. 2:21-35 and 7:1-14 The Dream is one, cf. Gen. 41:25 The ImageThe 4 BeastsThe Two Beasts Interpretation (Present) THE CHURCH PRARENTHESIS (Future)The 4 th Beast(Dan 7:7, 8 cf. Rev. 13:1-3) Feet and ToesDiverse from all, Revived Roman Of Iron/Brasswith ten hornsEmpire and (2:33, 41, 42)…a little hornAntichrist (7:8, 19, 20)Rev. 13:1-9; 17:7-18 The Stone thatThe KingdomMillennial Kingdom became a of the Most HighChrist, King of kings mountain.(7:9-14, 21, 22)Rev. 19:11-16;20:4-6 (2:35, 44, 45)
Study 2b. T HE B EASTLY T WO K INGS, Dan. 8:9-27 B. The First King that Came Forth. 8:9-14 cf Compared with History.See notes. The Little Horn (Antiochus Epiphanes, BC) a.Out of one of them (the 4 horns)(8, 9) b.Grew toward the south, east and pleasant land. (9) c.Cast down…the host…the stars.(11, 12) Magnified himself.(11) Daily sacrifice taken away.(11) Sanctuary…cast down.(11) Host given him…by reason of transgression.(12) d.Unto 2300/1150 days = 6/3 years 110/55 days(14) e.Sanctuary cleansed.(14)
Study 2b. T HE B EASTLY T WO K INGS, Dan. 8:9-27 B. The First King that Came Forth. 8:9-14 cf Contrast the Little Horn, Ch. 7 The Antichrist a. From 4 th Roman beast. (7, 8) b. From out of 10 horns. (7, 8) c. In power for 3½ years (7:25) d. End result: Millennium (7:27) The Little Horn – Dan. 8 The Abhorrent Actions of Antiochus Epiphanes From 3 rd Grecian beast (8, 9) From out of 4 horns (8, 9) In power for 2300 days (8;!4) Roman Empire after Grecian Empire (7:13, 14)
Study 2b. T HE B EASTLY T WO K INGS, Dan. 8:9-27 B. The First King that Came Forth. 8:9-14 C. The Second King of Fierce Countenance. 8:19 (21, 22) The Introduction re: the Time Interval.8: :17, 19, 23, 26 (many days=>concerns the distant future, NIV) 2.The Indignation 8:19 cf. 11:36 3.The Interpretation.8:20-27 a. The Ram Kingdom – Medo-Persia.8:20 b. The Goat Kingdom – Greece8:21-22 c. The Great Horn – First king8:21 d. The “Beastly” King – i. The Prophecy8:23-27 ii. The Type: Antiochus Epiphanes (?) iii. The Antitype: Future Antichrist (?) (See accompanying Notes)
Part 1 – The Beauty and the Beasts – Dan. Ch. 2 Part 2 – The Battle of the Two Beasts – Dan. Ch. 8 Conclusion: "Seeing then that all these things shall be.... What manner of persons ought ye to be... II Pet. 3:11 1.in our Attitude towards the ‘Prosperous World’? ct. vs. 6, 7 cp. I John 2: in our Attempt to Win the ‘Perishing World’? vv. 9, in our Attending to the Prophetic Word? v. 11 Next Week (D.V.) Part 3 - The Seven Sevens Dan. Ch. 9
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