Review of Rabi and Preparedness for Kharif Dr. N.B. Singh Agriculture Commissioner Department of Agriculture & Cooperation National Kharif Conference March 20-21, 2009
I. Prospects of Rabi Production
Total Foodgrains : Season- wise Production Trends YearKharif Production Rabi Production Total Foodgrains Production Kharif Area – m ha m ha Rabi area m ha m ha Kharif Productivity – – 1.2 t/ha t/ha Rabi Productivity – 1.54 t/ha – 2.15 t / ha Million tonnes
Area Coverage of Rabi ( As on ) CropNormal Area Area sown(+/-) over the last year * Wheat Rabi rice Rabi sorghum Rabi maize Total Cereals Gram Total Pulses R&M Groundnut Total Oilseeds Total of all crops Area in lakh ha * Based on IV th Advanced Estimates of DES
Wheat Area coverage in major wheat growing States State Area (lakh ha) Normal /- Bihar Gujarat Haryana M.P Maharashtra Punjab Rajasthan Uttar Pradesh West Bengal ( As on )
Rabi Rice Area coverage in major Rabi Rice growing States State Area (lakh ha) Normal /- Andhra Pradesh Assam Bihar Karnataka Kerala Orissa Tamilnadu West Bengal Others ( As on )
Rabi Maize Area coverage in major rabi Maize growing States State Area (lakh ha) Normal /- Andhra Pradesh Bihar Gujarat Karnataka Maharashtra Tamilnadu Uttar Pradesh West Bengal ( As on )
Rabi Sorghum Area coverage in major Rabi Sorghum growing States State Area (lakh ha) Normal /- Andhra Pradesh Gujarat Karnataka Maharashtra Tamilnadu Others
Total Pulses Area coverage in major pulse growing States State Area (lakh ha) Normal /- Andhra Pradesh Bihar Chattisgarh Karnataka Madhya Pradesh Maharashtra Orissa Rajasthan Tamilnadu Uttar Pradesh Others
Oilseeds Area coverage in major oilseeds growing States State Area (lakh ha) Normal /- Andhra Pradesh Assam Chattisgarh Gujarat Haryana Karnataka Madhya Pradesh Maharashtra Rajasthan Tamilnadu Uttar Pradesh West Bengal Others
Area under most of the rabi crops is reported to be higher than last year except minor decline in wheat. The higher area of wheat is reported in Uttar Pradesh, Bihar and West Bengal and lower area in Maharsahtra, Gujarat and Rajasthan. The area under coarse cereals, pulses and oilseeds is higher than last rabi season. The temperature during January to March, though, slightly higher than the normal, yet it has been within the range of optimum limit. Higher production of rabi pulses and oilseeds is expected Overall Scenario
II. Preparedness For Kharif –
State-wise Production of Rice State * Andhra Pradesh Assam Bihar Chhattisgarh Gujarat Haryana Jharkhand Kerala Contd…..
* Karnataka Madhya Pradesh Maharashtra Orissa Punjab Tamilnadu Uttar Pradesh West Bengal Others ALL INIDA Contd…
-Promote Hybrid Rice under NFSM -Present Hybrid rice area is about 1 m ha -Targeted area coverage under hybrid rice in next 4 years is 3 million ha -Need to produce 4.5 lakh quintal of hybrids seed (three fold increase) -Assistance of Rs.1000/quintal for seed production is provided -Assistance available to NSC / SFCI, State, seed agencies and also private agencies for certified seed Kharif Rice
System of Rice Intensification SRI saves water, requires less seeds Exploit the physiological vigour. Produces 25-50% higher yield than conventional methods More head rice than conventional method Funds are earmarked for SRI Demonstrations SRI results into robust plants
Out Break Of Brown Plant Hopper (BPH ) The BPH is a major problem of rice in many countries. Severe BPH infestation was observed in Haryana during Kharif Strategies to Manage of BPH Pest surveillance and strict monitoring required The preventive measures like wider spacing, leaving alleys of 0.5 m after every meter, and optimum dose of nitrogen (not beyond 120 kg/ha) should be adopted. Control measures include application of phorate 3 25 kg/ha or carbaryl g/ha or other recommended insecticides. Brown Plant Hopper on Rice Plant
Area, Production and Yield of Maize in respect of some Maize Producing States (2006/07) StateAreaProductionYield Uttar Pradesh Rajasthan M.P A.P Karnataka All India Area : Million ha Production : Million tonnes Yield : Kg / ha
Frontline Demonstrations on Maize conducted during Kharif – 2006 in UP DistrictNo. of FLDS Average yield of FLDS (kg/ha % increase over state average yield Deoria1286, Ghazipur595, Aligarh504, Unnao873, Bulandshahar203, Lalitpur203, Total3995, Source : IFFCO Foundation Report
Kharif Maize Strategy for enhancing productivity: Promote ridge planting in eastern States to avoid water logging Increase productivity through promotion of hybrids specially single cross hybrids in all States Adopt INM as per Soil Test Report Increase the production of quality maize in hilly States to improve nutritional quality
-Target is to bring additional 4 million ha area in pulses under NFSM -About 2 m ha area to be increased through inter- cropping / mixed cropping -Target inter crops are - Soybean + pigeon pea in M.P. and Maharashtra, and cotton+ pigeonpea, sorghum+ pigeonpea/green gram/black gram, A.P., Gujarat and Maharashtra and groundnut with short duration pigeon pea in Gujarat, Karnataka and A.P. -Every seed of pulses to be treated with appropriate fungicide before sowing Kharif Pulses
-One CMS based hybrid of pigeon pea released for Gujarat i.e. GTH – 100 -Several hybrids developed by ICRISAT are under seed multiplication -Urgent need to develop efficient seed production system of hybrid pigeon pea. -Promote hybrid pigeonpea in Gujarat, Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka New Hybrids of Pigeon Pea
Kharif Oilseeds Increase seed replacement rate in oilseeds especially groundnut and soybean Increase the area under hybrids in Sunflower Integrated nutrient and pest management Inter-cropping with pulses Control the new emerging pest in soybean - Tobacco leaf cater pillar
Management of Tobacco Hairy Caterpillar in Soybean Light brown moths with dark spots and longitudinal yellow lining on both the sides active during night time. Management Strategy Regular pest monitoring and assessment at every 10 days interval. Removal of egg masses at early stages Spray with pesticide i.e. Endosulfan or Deltarnathrin or Quinolphos 25 Dust endosulfan 4% or quinalphos 1.5% when their population is likely to reach 10/m row length (ETL). Repeat it as needed. Biological Control Spray bio agents like Bacillus thuringiensis and Beauveria 1kg or 1 lit/ha at and days after sowing respectively. Tobacco Hairy Caterpillar on leaves of soybean
Bt. Technology has been successful in enhancing the productivity of cotton A serious problem of Mealy bugs has been observed in few states especially in Punjab, Haryana, Rajasthan and Gujarat Preparedness required to manage Mealy bug which has become a serious pest Cotton
-Clean cultivation -Remove all debris of the previous crop well in advance -Since the infestation is sporadic remove the initial infested plants quickly -Use the appropriate pesticides at appropriate intervals -Launch a campaign for awareness among the farmers Management of Mealy Bug in Cotton
Some Operational Issues III. National Food Security Mission
Integrated Nutrient Management (INM) Availability of Micronutrients, lime and gypsum is observed to be constraint in some States : States to identify agencies for timely supply Priority areas for treatment with lime and zypsum to be identified well in advance Guidelines for incentives for micronutrients have been suitably modified
Mini Mission ActivitiesRelated Organisation MM-IResearch activities on juteICAR (DARE) MM-IIDevelopment/Extension of raw jute Ministry of Agriculture (DAC), Government of India, State Govt MM-IIIMarketing of raw juteMinistry of Textiles, Government of India MM-IVProcessing, utilisation and industrial aspects of raw jute Ministry of Textiles, Government of India Technology Mission on Jute Mini Mission-II will be coordinated by the Department of Agriculture & Cooperation (DAC)
Objective and Strategy 1.Thrust on increasing productivity 2.Accelerated Production of breeder seed / foundation seed / certified seed 3.Development programmes to be extended to sunnhemp, ramie and sisal crops 4.For ramie crop, facilities to be created for production and distribution of rhizome.
Components on which incentives provided Sl.No.Component 1Seed/ Planting Material i. Dist. of certified jute seed/quality seed ii. Ramie Rhizome iii. Dist. of Jute/Mesta seed minikit 2Implements Multi-row Seed-drill, Wheel-hoe, RibbonerSprayer 3Technology Demonstration i. Production Technology ii. Retting Technology 5Post Harvest Operation i.Development of Retting Facility ii.Individual Kutcha Retting Tank iii.Individual Pucca Retting Tank iv.Establishment of Degumming Unit for ramie 6Integrated Pest Management Demonstration 7Farmers’ Fields School
Input Management Adequate certified seed of rice is available- against a requirement of lakh Qtls, lakh Qtls is available Quality seed of other crops is reported to be adequate but needs monitoring for availability at right time and places The movement of Minikit seed to be monitored on time scale