Developing and Implementing an Amenity Strategy
Development / Ownership Options CONSTRUCTED BY: OWNED/OPERATED BY: Special District POA Community Developer Separate Nonprofit Entity Commercial Operator Amenity Developer Commercial Operator
Development/Ownership Options Advantages: Ability to issue bonds Bonds repaid through special assessments Property owners taxed for operating costs Disadvantages: Cost of bond issue Lack of long-term control “Public” access Special District
Development/Ownership Options Advantages: Shifts development cost, headaches Enhances real estate values Shifts operating risk Disadvantages: Lack of control over construction, quality Lack of control over operations, access for property owners Uncertainty as to future ownership / operations Amenity Developer Commercial Operator
Development/Ownership Options Advantages: Maximizes flexibility Maximizes control Enhances real estate values Disadvantages: Cost Risk Headaches Community Developer ???
Development/Ownership Options Community Developer ??? Considerations: Developer’s business and long-term goals Competition in market area Capital outlay required; profit potential Operating cost # of units to be sold; internal demand Price/product mix Depth of the outside market
Development/Ownership Options Community Developer POA Factors: Capital outlay easily recouped through lot prices Operating cost affordable for target market Little or no outside market Capacity matched to community size
Development/Ownership Options Community Commercial Developer Operator Factors: Capital investment substantial Strong demand within and/or outside community Amenities do not appeal to all buyers Good potential to operate at a profit
Development/Ownership Options Community Nonprofit Developer Club Factors: Capital investment substantial Strong demand within and/or outside community Amenities do not appeal to all buyers Little potential to operate at a profit
Bundling Amenities with the Real Estate All amenities in separate club Some level of membership mandatory All memberships optional All amenities in POA Non-golf amenities in POA; separate golf club with memberships optional
Development and Market Considerations Capacity vs. demand Exclusivity Marketing impact Timing Bundling Amenities with the Real Estate
Creation, administration and enforcement Avoiding antitrust challenges Avoiding unreasonable restraints on alienation Fair housing laws Controlling use Establishing financial obligations Legal and Drafting Considerations
POA owned and operated Community CCRs Separate club Community CCRs Covenant to share costs with POA Separate recreational covenant on each lot Bundling Amenities with the Real Estate Documenting the Arrangement
Bundling Amenities with the Real Estate Controlling Use Occupants vs. owners Co-owners who share use of second home Vacation rental guests Age-restricted communities
Bundling Amenities with the Real Estate Controlling Use Number of authorized users Entire household entitled to all privileges Entire household entitled to social privileges; limited # entitled to golf Limited # of persons entitled to all privileges
Bundling Amenities with the Real Estate Establishing the Financial Obligations Initiation Fee Included in lot price vs. separate Nonrefundable vs. refundable Initial sale only vs. initial sale and resales/transfers Limitations on unreasonable increases
Bundling Amenities with the Real Estate Establishing the Financial Obligations Periodic Dues - Method HOA includes in assessment for common expenses HOA shares costs or makes contribution to separate club Each owner pays dues directly to club
Bundling Amenities with the Real Estate Establishing the Financial Obligations Periodic Dues - Calculation Based on actual share of designated expenses May not be desirable if commercial operator Requires access to budget, books and records Fixed, subject to limitations on increases Risk of impairing value of club on future sale Provides level of certainty to real estate buyers OR
Bundling Amenities with the Real Estate Establishing the Financial Obligations Collecting Membership Fees Timing of obligation to pay Lien rights Remedies
Keys to Developing an Effective Amenity Strategy Carefully consider development/ownership options in light of Developer’s goals Economic considerations Target market Draft to Maximize compliance and enforceability Minimize risk of legal challenge Balance interests of the parties
Marketing Construction Phasing Expansion Timing of Amenities
Timing Post-transfer rights of developer Transfer of Amenities