Bellwork: o Assignments: -Get Course Info sheet signed (due Wed.) -Get Parent Info form signed (due Fri.) -Save/print/ me screen shots of you playing/practicing kanji files/AP%20Kanji%20List% pd f
Bellwork: Write the opposite kanji 1) 行く 2) 食べる 3) 左 4) 後 5) 書く 6) 寝る o Assignments: -Get Course Info sheet signed (due Wed.) -Get Parent Info form signed (due Fri.) --Save/print/ me screen shots of you playing/practicing kanji
Bellwork: List 2-3 strategies to employ when taking a reading comprehension test? o Assignments: -Get Course Info sheet signed (due today!) -Get Parent Info form signed (due Fri.) --Save/print/ me screen shots of you playing/practicing kanji (due tomorrow)
Bellwork: Look at all the kanji in the classroom. Write down any you don’t know (if you know only the meaning, that’s OK right now) and look them up. o Assignments: -Get Parent Info form signed (due Fri.) --Save/print/ me screen shots of you playing/practicing kanji (due today!)
Bellwork: None- test day o Assignments: -Get Parent Info form signed (due today!)