Members: Twinkle Agarwal Anjana Bhirde David Hodgson Raviprakash Madaiah
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Develop an application for the iPhone Must communicate with a web service. Must do basic database operations (insert, update), using a web service.
Why iPhone application ? Developing an iPhone application is something new for all of our team members. In this competitive environment of software development one has to have skills with cutting edge. Learn a different paradigm for programming.
Three features: 1. Find the weather from the user’s current location. 2. Finds restaurants in area, sends text message to a friend in the address book, without the user typing anything. 3. Find friends in the area, and get directions to where they are.
Xcode is the IDE for developing iPhone and iPod Touch applications. Can only develop using Xcode on Macs. Interface Builder is a separate program that works with Xcode to build the user interface. Objective-C is the language. It is an extension of C, and combines Object-Oriented ideas of Smalltalk. No automatic garbage collection, so must explicitly manage memory (by allocating objects and releasing them).
A method that you call remotely. The remote machine has access to some resources or information that you need. Machine-to-machine communication, use HTTP as the underlying protocol. Uses an XML-based format called SOAP.
Feature 1 : Weather Update This feature finds the current weather, based on the user’s current location. It uses the Core Location framework to get the user’s current latitude and longitude. We then find the zip code from the latitude and longitude from a web page 09&long= &format=xml. It displays the page as xml, which we then parse for the zip code. 09&long= &format=xml We use a web service which gets the weather, given the zip code. We parse the SOAP response, and display it in a table view.
Web service call Find restaurants in nearby area Invite a friend Text message Social events
Find friends in nearby areas Provide directions Frequent travelers Business meetings
Database Web Server IDFriendLatitudeLongitudeTimestamp 1David /2 10:30 2Ravi /4 10:41
Frameworks Used till now [ Why, How to ] How to Parse XML Data Demo : Weather Feature Demonstration. Code View Website : Flow of an Website.
[1] [2] _intro.asp
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